IDF knows the challenges of Warfare in a Destroyed City: Stalingrad in 1943 and Gaza in 2023

No Immediate IDF Ground Offensive planned!
IDF knows the challenges of Warfare in a Destroyed City: Stalingrad in 1943 and Gaza in 2023

Israel will not launch a ground offensive in Gaza with the Hamas holed up in hundreds of Tunnels, ready for the kill. If IDF launches a Ground Offensive so soon then IDF casualties will be prohibitively high.

The IDF Threat of an Imminent Immediate Ground Offensive is just an IDF strategy

The Immediate ground offensive is just strategic posturing to fool the Hamas and keep the Hamas desperadoes holed up waiting for the elusive IDF. No army keeps announcing its strategy to the enemy as the IDF has been shouting from the rooftops about their Ground offensive to begin soon! This keeps the Hamas holed up in their tunnels, waiting to murder the IDF. So if the main ground offensive actually comes after two or three weeks the Hamas terrorists without medicine, food, water, power would be easy meat for the IDF!

Right now maximum, the IDF could launch Hit and Run tactics to keep the Hamas busy anticipating a Major IDF Ground Offensive. The IDF troops compulsorily have studied in the IDF Syllabus Shivaji Maharaj’s guerrilla tactics and wil use them initially to hoodwink the Hamas to look forward to an immediate imminent ground assault by IDF.

But before IDF’s main Ground operation begins in full strength to search and destroy residual pockets of Hamas gangs, IDF will first destroy Hamas’ tunnels using thousands of Bunker busting bombs, then possibly by airdropping Armored earth movers after first airdropping mechanically automated landmine detecting neutralizing sensors, and proceed to block the tunnel entrances from both sides with tonnes of concrete after flooding them with sewerage, salty unpotable sea water, poisoned water and poison gases like carbon monoxide, oxygen sucking bombs, to starve, flood, suffocate and bury the subterranean Hamas gangs underground itself.

After which very few Hamas murderers may survive and have the strength to fight the IDF

Only at the next stage when most of the tunnels are securely completely permanently blocked and the hiding Hamas gangs are destroyed inside the network of tunnels itself, will the IDF start using Smoke Bombs massively extensively overground all over Gaza for a few days and nights to smoke out the remaining terrorists hiding in any remaining undetected tunnels.

This could be followed by more lethal anesthesia agents and later other gases to suffocate the Hamas terrorists and force them to come out of their hiding places to breathe and survive
and in that process expose themselves to IDF bullets or be captured.

The IDF troops would go in, in strength only at the last stage and that too equipped with gas masks, oxygen cylinders to fight in the gas and smoke laden environment.

Quite like the Marathas, Israel’s aim now is to fool the enemy Hamas with the bogey of a Ground Assault

So by publicizing about an immediate imminent Ground Offensive with troops and tanks massed at the Israel Gaza border, the IDF’s aim, like that of the Marathas, is to fool the enemy Hamas, into lying holed up for many days without medicine, food, water, power and then weaken the starving enemy and later smoke them out and finally if necessary make them unconscious with anesthesia gas to capture them or hunt them to death. So for a few more days now there’ll be intense bombardment till there is no structure left standing in Gaza.The IDF knows how fighting amidst rubble and tunnels in a destroyed city is a nightmare for those not familiar with the urban warfare and the ruined city’s altered layout.

Stalingrad in WW2 is one example where the attacking Nazis were besieged, starved and defeated by the Soviet Red Army. Hence Israel has bombed the Rafah Crossing too at the Gaza-Egypt border from 8th October itself to the stall the going in of any food medicines fuel, and cutting off water and power to Gaza. . While Israel keeps posturing by promising US President Biden that Israel will allow aid trucks into Gaza. This also pulls wool over the eyes of the restive and enraged Arab leaders and masses! Smart Tactic by Israel! Some food trucks will certainly be allowed through Rafah as an eyewash by Israel under pressures from the UN, egged on by the Arab nations. But this would be a part of this same Israeli tactic. Because 20 or even 200 trailer trucks cannot feed Gaza’s population of 2.3 million for long. Plus as Hamas grabs this food aid for their terrorist gang, there would be food riots of ordinary Gaza residents against Hamas fighters. A Palestinian Civil War in Gaza suits Israel completely and weakens Hamas further plus vilifying it in the eyes of the world beyond what it did to Israeli ladies and kids they kidnapped

So for now IDF will continue to keep levelling the entire Gaza strip not just Gaza City and decide it’s military strategy after starving the Hamas and later spraying gases that will penetrate the tunnels and incapacitate or kill the starving, weak, and injured Hamas. As far as the innocent Israeli captives held by Hamas are concerned, privately Israel must have realised that it is hopeless to expect that Hamas would exchange All the Israeli captives and IDF soldiers with thousands of Hamas’ criminal terrorists rotting in Israeli jails, especially after so much bombing. Hamas may at most release a few token batches of non-Israeli captives to keep the food trucks coming.

Hamas is monstrous and antonym of being trustworthy

Israel know that the Hamas is monstrous and antonym of being trustworthy. So Israel will henceforth never do any business of mass prisoner exchange with them, but bomb, starve, smoke and gas the Hamas out of the Rat holes of tunnels derisively called the Gaza Metro by Israel.

Post-war Redevelopment and re-integration of Gaza Province – A Blueprint
Once Gaza is cleansed of the unwanted wartime rubble and trash the next step is to Civilize Gaza and fully integrate it into Israel by re-establishing settlements like Neve Dekalim, Nisanit, Netzarim, Bene Azmon and many more new ones that were there earlier under the administration of the Hof Aza Regional Council. Gaza province would need
new highways linking it to Ashklon, Beersheva, and later with Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and even Haifa upto Qiryat shemona with motorways. All this supported by irrigation crisscrossing the entire province to support the new farmlands and orchards that would come up. Desalination plants for localised supply of potable water, industries, laying out gardens all through, building Hotels Motels seaside resorts, alongwith the full development of a state of the art Gaza seaport and airport for trans-Mediterranean trade routes and initiation of tourist traffic to bolster Gaza’s economy as a fully Jewish Israeli province. Later plans can be re-made for Ophira, after which the ongoing full and final integration of Judea and Samaria can be completed. It’s a Herculean task but a small First step towards a self sustained Jewish Homeland of Greater Israel now protected with a foolproof failure proof Iron Dome with two backups and a double border fence with the outer fence fully electrified with a buffer of three kms between the two fencing lines having lazer sensors to prevent a furure massacre like the one that happened on 7th October 2023.

Conclusion: Victory to IDF, in destroying Hamas’ Jihadi-Terrorism’

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