Banning of Madonna’s Book: Sex

(A Review by A. Ghosh.)

Banning books has been the age-old expression of tyranny of the oppressors in the past. One recalls the destruction of our Nalanda University as well as Ptolemy’s great library in Alexandria, by Moslem barbarians. Anything that had existed before Mohammed’s enunciation of Islam, was considered jahiliya (or darkness) by the brutes and therefore had to be destroyed.

What is surprising is that from the philanderer Pandit to his profligate daughter on to the dumb grandson Rajiv or Roberto, the dynasty had always seen to it that our national literature was stiflingly suppressed. One Azeem Akhtar was Indira Gandhi’s press-man. This man had instituted more than a hundred court cases in Delhi against Pandita Rakesh Rani of the Dayanand Sansthan, which publishes Hindu religious and patriotic books. While the Koran, that preaches violence against all non-Moslems, instigates subvertion and even war against a non-Moslem majority country (the barbarians call it dar ul harb) remains un-banned; all other books of value are suppressed in mainly Hindu India.

Thus were banned Ram Swarup’s Understanding Islam through Hadis, (both the English and the Hindi versions), the Koran and the Kafir, the Satanic Verses of Rushdie, the Sufis of Bijapur by Richard Maxell Eaton, the Dead Hand of Islam by Colin Maine, and so on and on. And that is not all. The Rao government continues to suppress the results of the 1981 census report.

Why is that? Simply because geometrical progression has always been much faster than arithmetical progression. Hindus and Christians are being chided and cajoled into family planning or birth control while the Moslems of India are left free to litrally breed like rabbits. And that is because of their religion and Moslem Personal Law. In fact, it is quite obvious that not counting the 2 crores of Bangladeshi Moslems illegally imported into the country, the Moslems who are already in India, due to Nehru’s wangling of the main principle of partition, namely, ‘Pakistan for the Moslems and India for the rest’, are fast catching up with the others in the numbers game. This has fouled up the so called secularism of the Indian Constitution. How can a country have two different laws for the people and still take pride in calling itself secular?

The suppression of the census report stems from the mortal fear of the Congress government; if the report is released it will be evident to everyone that the jump in Moslem population in India has been extraordinarily high. It is very unlikely that the Hindus will take this lying down and wait quietly till the day the Moslems take over the country and that too in the name of democracy and open election. Even Algeria stopped the Moslem fundamentalists from taking over the country through popular elections!

Then what does the GOI intend to do? They surely cannot keep such vital information suppressed, year after year! Well, the idea is to release it when they discover that the Moslem population has indeed increased to say 49% of the total population (perhaps even at 40%), when the country will have no way but to decide by an all-out confrontation the future between an Islamic or a non-Islamic one for India.

And if the news is released now, the Moslems will not have the ghost of a chance to overpower the Hindus, and that inspite of the presence of some 40 odd Islamic nations around the world. The recent incidents first in Bulgaria and now in Bosnia Herzegovina have proven that.

In reality, the secular government of India would like to ban not only the book SEX by Madonna but all engagement in sex and procreation by the non-Moslems while the Moslems are allowed to engage in it four times anyone else and go on procreating with no holds barred! The rate of increase in the Moslem population in India is even higher than that of the Pakistanis, who have already set a world record. But this extremely high output of India’s Moslems is not evident due to the fact that the increases are NOT reported community-wise. The Moslem increase in population is made undetectable because all other Indian communities, the Hindus, the Christians, the Buddhists, etc, have very low population increase. And when you add up all the individual growths and divide it by the total number, the uncommon Moslem growth is made undetectable as it is submerged in the nominal population growths registered by all other communities.

India, under successive Congress governments, has been led toward certain disaster; only now, the effects have become more conspicuous and that is the principal reason for the GOI’s reluctance to release the population figures! It is as simple as that!

If that calls for banning a foreign book, so be it! Who cares about principles in a land where once even the prime minister was an unprincipled thief!

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