Distinguishing Features of Hinduism

Distinguishing Features of Hinduism



  1. God pervades the whole universe, although ordinary men and women do not see Him. Some enlightened souls see Him continuously, some see Him occasionally. He is the basis of Existence, Consciousness, Blissfulness and Joyfulness. He is also present in the form of Sorrow, Misery, Pain and Suffering.
  2. Life is divine, pure and sublime. An ordinary living being has lost his consciousness of being divine, pure and sublime; he wanders in search of joy – divine, pure and sublime. The soul finds itself in the cycle of birth and death, from one body to another, searching for its real nature of joyfulness and total satisfaction.
  3. Human birth provides an opportunity where this real joyfulness can be realised. Religion is the way for that.
  4. Hindu religion prescribes a code of conduct for realising this state of joyfulness, state of divine-ness, one-ness with Divinity- the all pervading one-ness; this is God-Realization, the end-point of RELIGION.
  5. The following are the common points in the Hindu code of conduct for every human being; Service of mother, father and teacher, Respect for elders and saintly persons, Non-violence, Truthfulness, Non-stealing, Charity, Patience, Self-control, Peacefulness, Kindness, Courtesy, Humility, Non-boastfulness, Gratefulness, Purity, Austerity, Cleanliness, Continence, Speaking sweet and beneficial words, Recitation of God’s name, Contentment, Non-jealousy, Respect for learning, Well-wishing for all, Protection of the weak, Resistance to injustice and cruelty, Honest performance of one’s duty.
  6. It is also appreciated in Hindu thought that there are in-born genetic differencess amongst human beings, displaying different IQ’s and aptitudes for different types of work, profession, food and even entertainment. We must recognise these inborn differences in human temperament, and not enforce one profession, one belief, one way of worship, one code of conduct for all. Such enforcement of uniformity would be un-natural, contary to the Divine Low of life. It hinders the progress of a human being in his/her march to a state of divinity, God-Realisation. Hence Hindu religion suggests some differences in code of conduct, i.e. different duties, for persons with different in-born tendencies and IQ’s, at different stages of life. Each person will reach the same goal of God-Realisation by performing his/her duties honestly and sincerely, offering his/her work as worship unto the All-Pervading God.
  7. Hindu Religion does not recognise the absence of God anywhere, in any thing in this universe of God. Even, the so-called Satan is not outside God. There cannot be God and Satan, one fighting with the other. There is only one God, none but God. It needs purified vision to see this one God everywhere, in everything that exists, in everything that we see, that we perceive, that we feel. This purified vision is the objective of all codes of conduct prescribed by Hindu religion for all classes of men and women, young and old, irrespective of age, birth, caste, colour and creed.
  8. Do not disturb this natural evolution of human beings, this natural path of progress. Do not force one creed, one set of dogmas and beliefs down the throats of all the people. Do not attempt to destroy different forms of worship, claiming your one way of worship to be the only right one. Give importance to sincerity of heart and nobleness of conduct in the field of religion. Do not claim to have obtained from God, exclusive and irrevocable power of attorney to be a dictator and to persecute others on behalf of God, because they do not agree with you. Do not claim to have bound the Boundless God. Do not create inter-religious wars and massacres, forcing your claims and dogmas on others. Give a person freedom to think, freedom to belive, freedom to disbelive and freedom to adopt a way of worship which suits his/her temperament. After all, what is important in worship of God is the sinserity of heart, not the outer form of worship. Do not divide the human race into conflicting armies and camps of Holy Believers and Unholy Others. God is like the Mother of all human beings. Does the Mother not understand the language of Her child ?. With child-like simplicity and sincerity of heart, let us all pray to Father God/Mother Goddess of the Universe, asking the Loving Power to lead us from unreal unto the Real, from darkness unto Light and from death unto Immortality.
  9. Let all men and women, young and old, be happy; let all living beings in animal kingdom and in vegetable kingdom also be happy; let all things be blissful. Let the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the Stars, the Ocean, the Trees, the Birds, the Air, the Fire, the Mountains, the Rivers, the Rain, the Clouds and all that exists, be propitious and helpful to us. Let all Virtues give us their blessings. In turn, let us be grateful to all of them. Let us all live in peace, co-operation and friendliness. Let no misfortune come to any of us. Let us make this earth a God’s Paradise to live long,happy, prosperous and joyful life.
    This is our Hindu religion.

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