Nasrallah’s Elimination and What Lies Ahead in this War?

After Iran’s Mass Hypersonic Ballistic missile attack on Israel consequent to Nasrallah’s elimination what lies ahead in this war?

Knowing the Martydom mania of the Jihadi Terrorists for getting their ugly hands on the 72 virgins and or pearly eyed boys, this murderous Iranian Shia Muslim mentality will again and again pose a mortal threat to Israel whom the Iranian Mullahs have sworn to destroy.

To prevent this Israel has to plan to eventually but urgently dismantle the Iranian Mullah regime by sending fleet after fleet of F35 that are undetectable by Iranian radars for taking out all Iranian nuclear sites at Natanz, Bushehr, Isfahan , all oil refineries, all military installations, all oil pipelines, all airports, all seaports, important bridges arterial roads and Shia religious hubs likes Kom, Meshad, in Iran and Najaf, Karbala in Iraq to break the morale of Shia Terrorism.

The advantages that Israel has is it’s survival instinct, it’s fierce motivation and it’s far superior state of the art Military infrastructure plus the fact that Mossad has infiltrated not just Hezbollah but also Iran’s Revolutionary Guard IRGC hierarchy and Iranian military ranks from the top downwards. This military blitz by IDF can take care of the criminal Mullah Regime of Iran that’s the head of the snake of Shia Terrorism as Israel cuts it off mercilessly.

But it’s slithering body is Hezbollah and the three ends of its spiked tail are 1) the Iranian Islamic resistance in Iraq, 2) the Houthis and 3) the now emasculated monsters of Hamas.

Talking about Hezbollah Israel needs to NOT stop at the Litani river nor at Beirut the capital of Lebanon as it did in 1982, nor withdraw from Lebanon and Gaza as it did in 2004 and 2005 respectively, but (Israel) has to continue onwards to liberate (ie santize) the whole of Lebanon by pushing All Shias out of Lebanon into Syria.

Please Understand clearly that this war will not end soon. Neither will end the murderous designs and deeds of the Jihadi Terrorists be they Hezbollah, Hamas Houthis or the Shia terrorists in Syria Iraq or Iran. So Israel’s safety is not assured till the whole of Lebanon is santized without a single Shia Hezbollah Jihadi Terrorist alive there. This is to be followed by the santization of Syria by neutralizing the Alawaite Shias ruling Syria and push the surviving Shia Alawaites into Iraq and finally into Iran so all Shia terrorists are in one place to be destroyed together at one attempt. The aim to destroy Shia Islam is a first step to destroy all of Islam.

The final goal is that for its own long term survival Israel should control the land From the river to the river ie from the Jordan river to the Euphrates unless it can occupy the land from Nile to the Euphrates.
Sounds far fetched but is possible if like the Six day war of 1967, Israel confines itself to air warfare using F35s and missiles and expands into using bunker buster missile and cluster bombs with oxygen sucking carbon releasing bombs over the Hezbollah held areas of Lebanon, but only sends in its hit and run squads in Mercava tank squadrons untill all Lebanon south of Beirut turns into a Hezbollah free lifeless wasteland after asking civilians to clear off by dropping leaflets and sending SMSs to save as many non Hezbollah Lebanese civilians who can be contacted. Hezbollah like Hamas will prevent them from leaving so as to use them as human shields. Hopefully before doing this IDF does not get into a mess of a land invasion and urban warfare. The mess of Gaza should not be repeated in Lebanon. In doing all this the IDF and US should clearly understand that the Jihadi Terrorists only understand and respond to the language of death due to their fantasy of martyrdom and 72 hoors. So any force wanting victory over Jihadi Terrorists needs to wipe out at least 75% of the target Jihadi Terrorist population so that the remaining 25% see the hopelessness of aggression they call Jihad.

To make this possible Israel has to steadfastly ignore the motley crowd gathered at the UN General Assembly passing inconsequential resolutions with a overwhelming majority. The US would continue to play a dubious role in openly calling for an immediate cease fire while covertly approving military aid of billions of dollars. If Trump is re elected then it’s be easy for Israel in the light of Trump’s bombastic threat of blowing Iran to smithereens. But if Kamala Harris is elected by a travesty of fate (the way Biden was elected) then the US could continue playing a dubious role to continue the Obama Biden policy that would in effect have pro Islamic results if not pro Islamic motives.

But if our wishes turn into horses and Trump is elected at least he’s is expected to increase diplomatic and military support to Israel exponentially, and stand aside as Israel pommels the Shia Jihadi Terrorists to hell.

Most importantly Hezbollah Hamas and gang have a lot of street support from the Jihadi Terrorist students and wayward leftists on the campuses in the USA and Europe, plus they also have moral support of Russia and China in addition to the overwhelming support in the UN General Assembly, none of this support come in the form of anti aircraft missile like the Russian S400 system, nor have China or Russia sent their navies into the Mediterranean or Persian Gulf as the US has done. Leave apart providing Hamas Hezbollah Houthi gangs with any kind of weapons or explosives the way USA stockpiles and replenishes Israel’s military arsenal despite their ineffectual calls for immediate cease fire. Reportedly even India supplies explosives, drones and missiles to Israel under the joint manufactring agreement between India and Israel.

So the point is even whenever push comes to shove for writing Hamas Hezbollah’s obituary, they aren’t going to get military support even from the Sunni Arab states Saudi Arabia, Jordan Egypt or even Malysia and Pakistan as they are Sunni majority with no love for Shia Iran (and for fear of displeasing the Saudis who bankroll Pakistan in their hour of need) despite the loud calls for Jihad against the Jewish kafir (infidels). So rest assured while there will be loud thunder in the UN General Assembly and even in the Security Council from Russia China (the veto welding Permanent members of the UN Security Council), there would only be lot of smoke but no fire while Hamas Hezbollah Houthis burn to extinction under Israeli onslaught. After Hezbollah is decimated it’ll be the turn of the Houthis to face the Israeli fire followed by Syria and Iraq and finally the Mullah regime in Iran. Israel isn’t going to stop till it overthrows the Mullah regime in Iran.

So meanwhile due to the current war extrapolated into a regional war while Shias keep getting neutralized, the Sunnis who are currently applauding the Shia discomfitures, can be tackled later unless MBS reforms Sunnis as European Xtians have done (at least partially or outwardly due to the reformation and renaissance) from the days of the Inquisition.

The final aim remains to eradicate all Jihadi Terrorists be they Shia or Sunni if the world has to enter a period of relative peace with the most volatile and murderous of religious Terrorists – the Jihadis out of this planet either through liquidation via a world war or through mass anesthesia and lobotomization of that portion of the Jihadi Terrorist population that survives the Next War that is actually going to eventually and very slowly metamorphose into a regional mideast war or even possibly a WW3.

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