Muslim Murder Mania for Quran Burning – How to end it?

Salwan Momika an Iraqi ex Muslim turned Christian who burned copies of the Quran was just the latest but not the last who was murdered by Muslims for criticizing Islam. Let’s expose the list of some individuals murdered by Muslims in addition to those millions murdered for just the “crime” of refusing to convert to Islam or for just being born as non Muslims.

Yes even Arabs themselves were Murdered by Mohammad himself an Arab for refusing to convert to Islam.

Yes the Pre Muslim Arabs of Medina Mecca Tayef all fought bitterly against Islam before they were all defeated and given the choice ISLAM OR DEATH. So the hapless defeated Arabs reluctantly converted to Ialam. Let’s not forget this historical fact. So suffice it to note that when Islam was founded by that gangster Mohammad, the Quraish Arabs of Mecca did not accept Islam voluntarily. They were forced to become Muslims at the pain of death in the year 622 CE. ie 1400 years ago.

Now is time to unravel this truth that the Arabs resisted Islam for nearly a century till they had to give up as they were at the mercy of the Muslims followers of Mohammad. After which they became as murderous as Muslims and attacked in a jihad to convert the Persian Zoroastrians, Byzantine Christians, Egytian Coptic Christians, North African Berbers to Islam through war and tyranny of Jihad.

Before Islam, the nature worshipping Arabs were traders in caravans and in far antiquity they gave humans one of our oldest civilizations like Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian, till in the 7tg century the murderous and treacherous lunatic Mohammad deceitfully defeated them by fooling them with the Hudna of Hudaibiya (Google it to know more.)

We’re Arabs always like this?


Now is also the time to recollect that the Arabs were not always Muslims. Before Islam was founded by the treacherous lunatic Mohammad who deceitfully defeated the Arabs with the Hudna of Hudaibiya (Google it to know more), the ancient Arabs (Semetics) gave humanity one of our earliest civilizations of Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians and even Lebanese Maronite Christians including all Jews be they in Israel or all across the globe are and always were all ethnically Semetic people – a generic name for ancient Arabs.

But after the Quraish Arabs were defeated by Mohammad’s gang of the first few thousands of murderous Muslims at Mecca in the year 622, ie 1400 years back, the Arabs and other Muslim converts like the Persians Iranians Turks Syrians turned from normal humans to what they are today and represent metaphorically a man eater tiger who needs to be hunted down.

Now let’s note that Salwan Momika an Iraqi ex Muslim turned Christian who burned copies of the Quran in Sweden in 2023 and was murdered in January2025 was not the first (and won’t be the last) of the number of individuals murdered by Muslims. The list runs into millions starting from those murdered by Mohammad bin Abdallah the founder of Islam in the 7th century Arabia. Zainab bint Al Harith was the first to be murdered by Mohammad himself.

Zaynab bint Al-Harith was a Jewish woman who attempted to assassinate the Prophet Muhammad after the Battle of Khaybar.


Zaynab bint Al-Harith was a Jewish woman from the Ben Koresh (Banu Quraiza Jewish clan) who tried to assassinate Muhammad after the Battle with the prosperous Jewish trading clan of Khaybar by feeding him meat marinated in poison. Mohammad had a mouthful and swallowed it but spat out the second mouthful. The poison did not kill him immediately but gradually made him more insane (he was anyway born as a mad maniac mass murderer)

She was murdered by Mohammad in 629 who himself eventually succumbed to the poison by becoming fully incoherent and insane in 632. His incoherence was the reason why he couldn’t clearly convey that his cousin Ali was to be his successor and the caliphate was grabbed from Ali the heir to be chosen by Mohammad by Abu Bakr, and later by Umar and Uthman both of whom were murdered by rival Muslims.
Another murder by Mohammad himself was of the murder of Ka’b b. al-Ashraf, a Jewish chieftain in Medina, was ordered by the Prophet Muhammad. The assassination is said to have marked the end of the Banū al-Naḍīr’s political influence in Medina.


Ka’b was a leading member of the Jewish Banu Nadir tribe.
His father was from the Arab Tayy tribe, but Ka’b was raised in his mother’s family and faith.
Muhammad told his companions that he wanted Ka’b dealt with because he had irritated “Allah and His Messenger.” (sic)

The assassination
Muhammad bin Maslama volunteered to kill Ka’b, and was helped by others, including Ka’b’s foster brother.

Muhammad gave Maslama permission to lie to Ka’b.
Maslama and the others took Ka’b out for a walk late at night and killed him.

The aftermath
The assassination of Ka’b is said to have led to a new wave of hostile Muslim-Jewish encounters, culminating in the Battle of Khaybar.
Modern scholars have debated the legitimacy of the assassination.
A third murder by Mohammad was of
Several poets criticized Muhammad, including Abu ‘Afak, Asma bint Marwan, and Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf.

Abu ‘Afak
A Jewish poet who lived in the Hijaz region, which is now Saudi Arabia. He was a political enemy of Muhammad and was assassinated by a follower of Muhammad.

Asma bint Marwan
A female Arab poet who lived in Medina in 7th-century Arabia. There is debate that Muhammad ordered her assassinated for her agitating against Muhammad.

Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf
A poet who was born in Yathrib, Hejaz, Arabia, which is now Medina, Saudi Arabia. He was assassinated by Muhammad ibn Maslamah on the order of Muhammad.

These individual murders apart, Mohammad himself led gangs of armies who mass murdered thousands of Non Muslim Arabs and later his followers murdered millions of non-Muslim Zoroastrians, Coptic and Orthodox Christians Buddhists, Hindus and even African Animists.

This murder madness by Muslims cannot stop till the Gazafication of the entire Muslim Ummah (population) and the survivors are given the choice of leaving Islam or being lobotomized to free their brains from the murderous garbage called ISLAM and being re-educated to be employed in any suitable profession.

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