Lessons for Hindus and India from Hamas’ Savage Vandalization of Israel

Lessons for Hindus and India from Hamas’ Savage Vandalization of Israel which will change global Geopolitics far more fundamentally than 9/11.

Very few know about Masada or the Law of Talion nor do they have ever heard the term Yinach shmo ve zhicro. What on earth are these terms and what have they got to do with Lessons for Hindus and India from the Hamas attack on Israel?

A normal question which this article attempts to answer in the context of the Jewish Survival Instinct that has kept this community that was shunned, despised, tormented and mass murdered all over the World where Jews were forced to flee to due to repeated invasions starting from Alekshendra (Alexander the Greek) followed by the Selucid Greek rulers of Persia and Mideast, followed by the Imperial Romans, Byzantines, and finally the Arab Muslim JihadiTerrorists I the 7th century to impose Islam on the world and today the Palestinian JihadiTerrorists of Hamas, Kassem Brigades, Fatah, etc.

But Bharat (India) has a special place in Jewish hearts as Bharat is one exceptional Country and Civilization where Jews were never prosecuted but we’re absorbed with respect and affection.

Now first, the Law of Talion

The Law of Talion, is a Latin term “lex talionis”, a principle developed in early Babylonian law and present in both biblical (Jewish and Christian) and early Roman law that criminals should receive as punishment precisely those injuries and damages they had inflicted upon their victims. “Eye for an Eye”. That’s a lesson for Hamas and for Hindus to learn from the Israelis how to retaliate against JihadiTerrorist Savegery. Hindus don’t have any equivalent of the Law of Talion, or the mindset “Yimach Shemo v’ Zhikro”. Although we can consider the massacre at Chittorgarh by the Mughals under Akbar in around 1565 C.E. to be India’s Masada. But inspite of Chittorgarh and the savage tyranny of the Muslims on the defeated Hindus instead of any Hindu version of the “Law of Talion”, or the mindset “Yimach Shemo” the Hindus ironically had a “Stockholm Syndrome” expressed as Ahimsa, Jivdaya, Kshma, Shanti, Michaami Dukhadam, plus a code of conduct for a noble war that a fallen surrendered or captured enemy has to be pardoned and honorably repatriated. As did Prithviraj Chouhan with theat beastly Mohammad Ibn Sam also known commonly as Mohammed of Ghori. The Hindus’ forgot that their illustrious ancestors like Raja Ramchandra, the king of Ayodhya had 9000 years back slaughtered all Rakshasas including their king Ravana on the battlefield itself sparing none. Another ancestor a few thousand years later Yadavendra Krishna the king of the Yadavas, advised Arjun to slay his blood brother Karna when Karna was incapacitated as his chariot wheel had got trapped in a ditch. The slaying of Jarasandh, Duryodhan, Dushasan Guru Drona and above all the patriarch Bhishma we’re all done surreptitiously using what will be considered foul means by some ultra moralist times. But Krishna himself a long and warrior preached that Adharma cannot be fought with Dharma. That means evil cannot be destroyed by using noble means. We Hindus forgot these lessons after thousands of years of peace and prosperity and evolved a code of conducting noble warfare, which worked well as long as long as both adversaries were Hindus, but meltdown happened when faced with the savage JihadiTerrorists from the 7th century upto the 17th century. This savage millenium changed only one Only the Maratha descendants of the rajput king of Chittorgarh Veer Maharana Pratap Singh Sisodia, like Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj gave up the Rajput dictum of “Pran Jaye par vachan Naa Jaye.” and taught his Maratha followers to attack only at night using all means fair and foul. Hence only the Marathas could not just liberate their home province of Maharashtra but spread across entire Bharatvarsh from Cuttack to Attack to Sindh to Thanjavur. This is the first lesson for Hindus today if they are to defeat the savage JihadiTerrorists.

Now the second Jewish term and mindset “Yimach Shemo.” Yimach shemo is a Jewish curse in Hebrew placed after the name of dreaded enemies of the Jewish people. A variant is yimach shemo v’zikhro. The Jews use it for Hitler, Mohammad and now for Hamas. The Hindus’ have no such mindset except for their ancestors Ramchandra Ikshvaku the king of Ayodhya and Krishna Yadava the king of Mathura

Now what is the last Jewish term Masada?

Masada is a rugged natural fortress, of majestic beauty, in the Judaean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea. It is a symbol of the ancient kingdom of Israel, its violent destruction and the last stand of Jewish patriots in the face of the Roman army, in 66-70 C E
Many Jews committed suicide during the crucial moments of the war of 66-70, and, many common Jewish civilians also committed suicide rather than face their enemies. The Masada memory is seated into Jewish psyche and they have a mindset Masada never again”

These three terms and concepts define Jewish response to any mortal challenge like Hamas or Jihadi Terrorism for example.

Without realising it, today the Savage Hamas Gang has cornered a ferocious Lion which is going to decimate Hamas and it’s sponsors like Iran and allies like Hezbollah Turkiye and along with the USA and maybe a resurgent Bharatvarsh, perhaps later eventually slowly alao China whose Geopolitical handmaiden is Hamas. China’s interest in secretly sponsoring and provoking Hamas through Iran and it’s proxies Hezbollah Hamas Kassem Brigades to attack Israel savegely has been to destabilise the emerging peace between Israel and Sunni Arab states like Saudi UAE,Bahrain, etc. And mainly to torpedo the IMEC (India Mideast Europe Corridor). IMEC is a concept that destroys China’s chances of building its own CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) as part of its global Belt and Road initiative! Not many see this reasoning behind China’s interest to provoke and arm through Iran the Hamas Gang to Attack Israel so savegely.

While we cannot describe what the end game of the bloodied game Hamas has started, the following things can be the clear outcomes:

1) The USA will be gradually sucked in as it was in WW1 and WW2 in what could eventually become WW3 of which the War on Terror was but just a trailer.

2) This war would ultimately weaken the West, while decimating the Ummah and China. This may seem far fetched today but over the course of the next decade or more it will work it’s way as did WW1 and WW2 both of which spread over 6 to 7 years. This war could be even longer and certainly with more far-reaching fundamental fallouts.

3) India may not remain unscathed but gradually could emerge as a balm provider to the post war humanity. India’s past image of being a Global Nanny it not gone with Nehru Indira and the end of the Congress Era! But India could be called on to play the role of mediator which could have very limited success (as was seen in the case of the ongoing Russo-Ukraine war) and could backfire too.

Now we must understand the reasons for the 3rd implication. The Hindus’ understanding of geopolitics and response to terrorism is childish, foolish and nanny- like and slow in fact very low slow and lethargic inspite of the Surgical Strikes on Pakistan. Evidence of this is in the large unnoticed and successful infiltration and settlement of Rohingyas and Bangladeshi JihadiTerrorists in to India!. We need to realise that Israel and the US ( up to some extent ) will take countermeasures against the Hamas & the Palestinians. The USA would like to see a limited response and then some sort of 2 state solution to the Palestinians problem implemented to “prevent further bloodshed”. This is the CIA scheme from the beginning. The woke-jihadi elements in the Biden administration will forward this idea to actually prevent Hamas from disappearing totally ( as Hamas as well as Taliban, ISIS, Pakistan’s Haqqani network, etc. are all CIA creations at one point in time or other meant to serve different US objectives in different regions ). This also serves the interests of Prince MBS’, the effective Saudi ruler & other practical Sunni rulers of UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan whose position in the Islamic world has after the Savage Hamas attack, suddenly become weak. The center of Islamic leadership is shifting to Iran and Turkiye ( Erdogan, the new pretender Ottoman Caliph). and Iran Turkiye today look a role model for every fanatic Muslim masses worldwide better than Saudi and UAE. But after Hamas Iran, Hezbollah etc., are decimated ( but not totally eliminated ) & China Turkiye shown their true global place, focus will ultimately shift for the new Ghazis Saudia, Pakistan Malaysia of how to put them in their place and curtail their power coming from the Oil monopoly which again & capture the limelight in a region where the US & the white race do not as yet have a robust military presence as they had in Europe during the Cold War. So what better target than an upcoming Bharat, the focus and cynosure of hatred by the whites, remaining rump of Muslims, China, Soros type communists sponsored by the CIA, the mosquito menace of khalistanis backed by some Godfather like Trudeau & all the scum of this earth.

But now it’s not Nehru but a shrewd Modi who is ideal for a hit, nationwide and worldwide perhaps before the 2024 elections. It solves many problems all at once for everybody. We will have Hamas type 1000s of JihadiTerrorist cells all over Bharat that need cleanup which will need to be ruthlessly. In Bharat internal enemies abound in INC, SP, TMC, DMK etc to help the JihadiTerrorists. Even a dirty nuke attack series is a possibility as it is an existential crisis for all of the above in India before and after 2024 elections. In the aftermath, we will have all enemies ( internal & external ) satisfied, nation in ruins, platitudes abounding to “show restraint”, “remember Bapu” etc, praise for our “resilience”, offers of rebuilding assistance ( which will benefit the same enemies who did it, in more than one way ) etc. This will definitely happen & it will be a test of Modi’s character ( like during Godhra ) & a huge opportunity to give up wokeism forever & implement a final solution to the 21% JihadiTerrorist population problem without restraint or the fear or care what the world will say or how we will look in the eyes of the “civilized” west or whether the Nobel peace prize is still within range etc. It remains to be seen if we turn history or return to history. Finally, if the USA, Europe and the white race is to be saved from Islamic fury in the future ( their colonial karma will take over and make them suffer immensely at the hands of the faithful ), only Bharat and a strong one free of the asuric trash can do it. It has been predicted in many places & in many prophecies. Only need to see how it plays out & at what cost. This is the lesson if India is to launch a preemptive strike to pierce through the mindset of Ghazwa e Hind.

Now how do we Defeat the danger Victory of Islam Worldwide, the #CHOICE_IS_YOURS
The savage attack by Hamas on Israel is the last warning to the world.

A few months back, France was a trailer to the European Civil war that’ll be unfolding over the next two decades. To use a term JihadiTerrorists use for Christian Liberal and Agnostic mon- religious Westerners, the complacent over-confident “#White_Cheeze” will be devoured by the JihadiTerrorists. Yes that’s the Chilling reality to which the Mayhem_in #France Yes that’s our fate, unless, sorry to say, another resolute visionary shrewd leader emerges who systematically exterminates the JihadiTerrorists all over the globe.
BUT but but Best is a non violent Gandhian solution to release fast affecting Anesthesia cum Lobotomy agents all the Ramzan Id namaz all over the globe simultaneously making all diseased minds made unconscious and then the unconscious JihadiTerrorists should be ALL lobotomized so as to be brainwashed of the Hate Murder Terror mindset of Islam. These lobotomized JihadiTerrorists should then be deployed as bound bonded but well fed laborers in underground mines, distant farms infrastructure building projects, so we can develop the undeveloped parts of our globe with these indentured former #JihadiTerrorists, without any loss of life at all and without shedding a single drop of anyone’s blood!
This is URGENT-PLEASE as after Israel, Europe and USA our #Bharatvarsh #India is next in line to fall to JihadiTerrorists in a #Ghazwa-e-Hind unless we have a Chanakya Sri Krishna Shivaji Maharaj combined in a leader like Modi ji or Yogi ji to implement our unique #Gandhian #Non_violent #Anesthesia #Lobotomy treatment for Cure by #reformatting the beastly incorrigible JihadiTerrorist mentality without bloodshed or loss or of a single human life, our Human civilization cannot be saved. Delay to do this now will make a thermonuclear WW3 inevitable with perhaps the end of human civilization or even all life on our planet Earth.

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