Guru Arjan Dev: The Koran And The Guru’s Martyrdom

Guru Arjan Dev: The Koran And The Guru’s Martyrdom


Truth Detector

Guru Arjan Dev was the fifth Guru; he was also the first Sikh Martyr. This short write up will bring to light why in the world, every year, the people of India observe the anniversary of his martyrdom and like zombies go about greeting one another. When I say ‘the people of India’, I do not mean the Mohammedans of India though. They do not consider themselves to belong to India at all. They could not care less if Arjan Dev was a martyr; that he was slaughtered in one of the most ignoble ways one can think of! In fact, the idea of the manner of killing him did not come out of anyone’s brain, even a Mohammedan’s brain, but right from the Koran, the so called ‘holy book’ of the followers of Mohammed of Arabia, the land of camel-drivers.

In order to identify the manner of the Guru’s murder and the teachings of the Koran, we need to relate a few things on how did the murder actually take place.

Jahangir took over the Sultanate after the death of Akbar. If Akbar was considered a popular king, Jahangir was a bigot. He imposed the sharia’ and the jeziya. Droves of Mohammedans along with Hindus were becoming Sikhs because of the Guru’s personality and his preachings and of course the excellence of the Sikh teachings. Jahangir’s men did not care a damn about the Hindus. In their eye, the kafir Hindu was choosing one wrong path instead of another. But the fact that so many Mohammedans were also becoming Sikhs, after abandoning, what they called the true path, the path of Islam, the path of Intolerance, Slaughter, Loot, Arson and Molestation of women, caused them extreme hatred against Guru Arjan Dev.

Jahangir in the end, issued orders to kill the Guru. It is a thing of shame that a Hindu named Chandu, had a big hand in the Guru’s murder! He wanted to get his daughter married to the Guru’s son, Har Gobind. But Chandu’s rough conduct and foul words against the Guru did not help matters and the talks of marriage fell through. But certainly that should not have been a reason for Chandu’s lining up with the enemies of the country, the Moham-medans! He undertook to kill the Guru ‘with tortures’ and the mullahs came forward with the methods of torture from their holy book, the Koran, just to help Chandu, the Khetri.

Writes the book of Sikh history: “Chandu took the Guru to his house. There he began to torture him. During the first day and night, the Guru was kept without food and drink. He was not allowed to sleep. We have to remember that all this was taking place in mid-summer at Lahore, which is a very hot place. The Guru remained absorbed in meditation. He kept repeating God’s name all the time.

On the second day he was seated in a large vessel of water heated from below. The water was brought to boil. The Guru sat in the boiling water, calmly meditating on God. Then red hot sand was poured over his head and body. On the third day, he was seated on a red-hot iron plate which was heated from below. Again, red-hot sand was poured on his head and body. These tortures went on for four days…

The Guru’s body was all blisters. It was rendered soft like boiled flesh. It became extremely weak. At last, he was made to walk to the river Ravi. His five Sikhs were permitted to be with him on the way, to help and support him. To add to his tortures, his blistered body was thrown into the cold water of the Ravi. It was too weak to stand against the force of the fast-flowing stream. It was washed away to its final rest…”

Now no one is going to tell us that all such vile ideas came from the head of Chandu Khetri, or from the heads of the mullahs or even from the head of Jahangir, the fornication-prone Mohammedan ruler at the time! It all came from their ‘holy book’, the Koran.

Readers! Please get yourselves copies of the Koran titled The Meaning of the Glorius Koran written by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall. There is an edition published by the Penguin Group; it is called A Mentor Book. It costs only a few dollars. Once you have the book in your hands, go on reading the pages. You will find many instances of killing and torturing people they call kafirs. The entire book is full of such vile advices. To save time, I mention to you the primary paragraph that contains the method of killing of Guru Arjan Dev; that method was followed to the comma.

Please turn to the Surah 22 and go to the Ayats 19, 20 and 21. The ayat 19 says: “These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are, two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads.”

Then you go to the ayat 20. It says: “Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted:”

Then comes the ayat 21: “And for them are hooked rods of iron.”

Just one word here; in one of our future write ups we will describe how Bhai Sati Dass, Bhai Mati Dass and Bhai Dayala were murdered along with Guru Tegh Bahadur, by the other devil, Aurangzeb. One was cut up live by a saw, another by boiling in hot water inside a large cauldron and the third by covering him up with cloth soaked in oil and lighting him up with fire. All this from the Koran!

Now what is so funny and amusing in observing the anniversary of the death of Guru Arjan Dev as if it was a joyful occurrence? What is shameful is that even educated Sikh men and women ignore the immensity of the crime of such slaughters. And to think that such ideas come from Mohammed’s ‘holy book’, the Koran! The problem is ignorance; most of our peace-loving people do not want to read the

Koran which is a very unpleasant job. But how can you escape from it? If we have to look after the well-being of our people, we need to know what is going on in the minds of the devils, our enemies! And the easiest and surest way to get to the bottom of it all is to read the Koran and the Hadis. These two books are the primary repositories of Islamic ‘thought’ and who can signal better than these two books on what is on the mind of the devils who preach Intolerance, Slaughter, Loot, Arson and Molestation of women? It is almost like reading Hitler’s Mein Kampf where he had already written on his future plans but no one knew for they hadn’t read it before the action took place! They could have at least prepared for the worst then!

The Gandhis and the Nehrus have been covering up for the Mohammedans for the last seventy years. No one told us that Zakir, the first Mohammedan president of India had offered his services to Jinnah of Pakistan as early as in June, 1947, even prior to the partition of India. And during the time Zakir was the president of India, he got a mosque built on the quiet inside the Rashtrapati Bhavan. And to think that no one among the public knew that? And those who knew kept mum! Why? Obviously to fool the people of India! On top of that, Zakir prevented lighting of Divali lamps in the Rashtrapati Bhavan during his tenure!

Why did Indira Gandhi (aka Khan) attack the Hari Mandir Sahib? Well, to divide the Hindu-Sikh unity of course. Rajiv the Bofors thief and his goons killed thousands of unarmed Sikh men women and children for weeks together.

But they didn’t go unpunished. How were they punished? Well, in a country, where people would not even hurt a chicken, there were not one, but three assassinations, and all three were Gandhis. One was killed by a Hindu, one by two Sikhs and the third by a Catholic woman of Tamil extraction! If it is not divine dispensation, then what is it?

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