The Koran and the Guru’s Martyrdom


The Koran and the Guru’s Martyrdom.

(Truth Detector)

Guru Tegh Bahadur was a remarkable man of his time. Father of Guru Gobind Singh, Guru Tegh Bahadur was the ninth Guru. He too was martyred by the Koran following Mohammedans. We have already narrated the story of the fifth Guru Arjan Dev’s martyrdom. Guru Arjan Dev was slaughtered by the fornication-prone Mohammedan bigot Jahangir, son of Akbar.

After Jahangir, Shah Jahan became the sultan of Delhi. He took over by force the Shiva Temple Tejo Mahalaya and turned it into a maqbara (or mausoleum) which housed not only the corpse of Mumtaz but also of at least one of Shah Jahan’s concubines. (Please read up P.N. Oak’s Taj Mahal – The True Story).

Aurangzeb was a bastard (not so much in the primogenitive sense but definitely in the pejorative sense) and he slaughtered most of his brothers and banished the rest from the country. He kept his own father imprisoned in the Agra fort.

Aurangzeb decided to Islamize India as fast as possible, starting with Kashmir. He had a devil’s brain and he devised all kinds of artifices to get his way. Writes Sir Jadu Nath Sarkar in his renowned five volume History of Aurangzeb:”In Kashmir, Hindus and Muslims used to intermarry, and the wife, whatever might have been her father’s creed, was cremated or buried as her husband happened to be a Hindu or Islamite. But in October, 1634, Shah Jahan forbade the custom and ordered that every Hindu who had taken a Muslim wife must either embrace Islam and be married anew to her, or he must give her up to be wedded to a Muslim. This order was rigorously enforced.

The ruse was to turn the Hindus into Muslims by virtue of political power. In any event, it was still a ‘slow’ process from Aurangzeb’s point of view. He wanted to turn the world into a Koranic world of Muslims only and those who still did not opt for Islam, had no place in the kingdom.

Aurangzeb ordered that every Hindu must become a Muslim under pain of death. The Hindus wanted a period of six months to consider the proposal, which was granted. Aurangzeb also issued a fiat that those who refused to be Mohammedans would be put to the sword and a wholesale order was issued to kill the Brahmins and collect their janeos or sacred threads, as proof of the slaughter. Aurangzeb demanded that enough Kashmiri Pandits were to be slaughtered every day, so that their sacred threads weigh at least 1.25 maunds.

The weight of a single thread is very small and on calculation, it was found out that at least 25,000 Kashmiri pandits had to be killed every day in order to fulfill the requirement of the 1.25 maunds of thread. Naturally, there was panic among the Pandits. They met Guru Tegh Bahadur at Anandpur Sahib on May 25, 1675. They prayed to the Guru and said: “Our lot has become unbearable. You are rightly known as Hind ki Chader or Champion of the Hindus. We have been given six months’ time in which to make our choice between Islam and death. That period is about to end…We have come to you for help, guidance and protection. O Champion of the Hindus!”

Naturally, the Guru was plunged into deep thought. He noticed the sad faces of the Brahmins. His young eight-year-old son, Govind Rai (the future Guru Gobind Singh) asked his father why these good men looked so worried? What has happened!

In the end the Guru sent word to Aurangzeb that before he attacked the innocent Kashmiri Pandits, he had to ask Tegh Bahadur to become a Muslim first!

Aurangzeb burst out: “Tegh Bahadur has expressed sympathy with the infidel Brahmins of Kashmir? His conduct is an open affront to me and my policy regarding the infidels. I cannot brook it. He must suffer for it; die for it.”

Aurangzeb issued order for the Guru’s arrest and the order of arrest was transmitted from the governor of Lahore to the Faujdar of Sarhind and then to the Kotwal of Ropar, for Sri Anandpur lay in that district. However, Aurangzeb’s order for the Guru’s arrest had been kept a secret for fear of trouble by the Guru’s followers, the Jats.

The Guru was tortured for three months at Sarhind. He was left fettered and chained and detained in prison. He was then despatched to Delhi, shut up in an iron cage. He was left there, in that iron cage, fettered and chained. No one was permitted to see the Guru. Aurangzeb did not succeed in frightening the Guru and thought up a plan to kill the Guru’s close disciples by painful tortures, prescribed in the holy Koran, meant for the infidels. Thus, three of the Guru’s disciples, Bhai Mati Dass, Bhai Sati Dass and Bhai Dayala were slaughtered by the Mohammedans at Aurangzeb’s orders and Aurangzeb’s minions brought the news of their terrible torture and ultimate death to the Guru.

It is very instructive for the ignorant Hindus and Sikhs to know what did indeed the Koran specify! One was murdered by immersion in boiling water contained in a huge cauldron; the other was sawed alive with his hands tied to two posts on either side. And the third was bundled up in cotton, soaked in naphtha and then ignited. Please read the following ayats from the Koran so that you have a feel for the tenets formulated in a so called Holy Book:

XXII/19-22: These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads (like they had done with Guru Arjan Dev)…

LXXVI/4: Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers
manacles and carcans and a raging fire.

LXIX/30-37: Take him and fetter him and then expose him to hell-fire and then insert him in a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits…

And there are more, many more in the Koran, a veritable Manual for murder and mayhem. However, the Guru remained calm and undaunted. Then the executioner came and severed the Guru’s head. This dastardly act took place in Mughal India during Aurangzeb’s reign. On the same spot was erected the Shishganj Gurdwara, a holy spot for all Hindus and Sikhs today!

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