Has Allah Abandoned Qiyamat?

Has Allah Abandoned Qiyamat?

It has been said in important Islamic texts that Islam was going to end when the Islamic Day of Judgment or Qiyamat arrives. It was also said that the duration of Mohammad’s creed would last only 1400 years. Then the question comes: What is Qiyamat? Well, any mullah worth his salt will tell you that it is the Day of Judgment. That is the day when all Muslims, living or dead, will be judged by the All-powerful and Merciful Allah. Those who are dead will be resurrected and they along with the living Muslims, will appear before Allah to be judged. Naturally, some will be rewarded and some punished. No doubt, among those who will be rewarded will be most, if not all the Jihadis, those who had fought for Mohammad during his life time. And among the rewards was also the permanent residence in Jannat or heaven.

Those who will have the good fortune to go to Jannat will have 72 hoories (beautiful heavenly virgins) as well as 28 boys, pretty as pearls. The Koran tells us all this. There is no secret there. That is a great attraction for would be Jehadis and no doubt, at the time, there was a great rush to fight for the Prophet.

In addition, it was also said that those who had committed a lot of crimes on this earth and theoretically qualified to go to hell and not heaven, their punishment would be annulled by the Prophet if, and only if, these criminals recite the Kalima and state that Allah is one and Mohammad is His last Prophet. The nearest approach to this situation can be found in many prisons where criminals are told that if they become Muslims then, although they will suffer in this life for past crimes, they will all go to heaven after their death. Even in US prisons today you will find a number of mullahs looking after these criminals, converting them into Islam and teaching them the art of going to Jannat.

However, there is a catch. No one tells them that without adequate knowledge of Arabic (reading, writing and speaking) there is little hope to go to jannat. Allah does not recognize any other language than Arabic. Islam, intrinsically, is a religion of the Arabs. True, there have been many non-Arab Muslims who fought great battles for Islam. Salahuddin was one of them. He was a Kurd and as a result, although he fought for the faith of Islam, today the Kurds are hounded by most Arab Muslims. But then this important fact is more often than not kept a secret from the criminals in prisons.

On the other hand, those who would not go for the fight for Islam, on behalf of the Prophet, would end up in dozakh or hell. They will burn in the eternal fire in the caverns and dungeons that is hell. Incidentally, all non-Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and what have you, will summarily be despatched to hell. Their bodies would burn incessantly and to make the suffering last eternally, new flesh will grow in the burnt parts of the body so that there would not be any end to the charring process for reasons of total consumption of the body parts.

These are details which anyone can read in Islamic holy books. There is nothing new to it. However, there is a glitch, one would say. It was said that the Day of Judgement will arrive 14 centuries hence. The question is when does the 1400 year period start; from which date?

A little research work will make that clear. Prophet Mohammad was born (they say) on Aug 20 of the 570 Christian Era. He became the Prophet on his 40th year. He hadn’t yet married Aisha, his youngest bride. He would marry her when he would be 54 year old. Aisha would then be a girl of nine. The Prophet’s name and fame were everywhere, from the whole of Arabia to most adjacent countries, such as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Abyssinia and so on.

The 1400 year period was to start from the date of Mohammad’s Prophethood, in other words from the year 570 plus 40 or 610 AD. Now if one adds the 1400 years, one should be able to arrive at the year of the Qiyamat. But be careful. These 1400 years are Islamic or lunar years. In reality, 1400 lunar years are more or less equal to about 1307 solar years. Thus, the precise year of the Qiyamat is 610 + 1307 or 1917 AD. Since everything in Islamic theology is rigidly fixed, there should not be any straying from these bench-marks.

Thus the Day of Judgement has, in every probability, come and gone. But we do not seem to have witnessed any rewarding or punishment of our Muslim friends, neither the despatch to hell of our non-Muslim friends. The natural question is simple and direct. Why there was no Judgement Day? The matter is very very serious. Those who are aleady buried, will they then remain buried for eternity? That cannot be Allah’s edict! And if there is no Day of Judgment, does it mean that there is neither reward nor punishment for the denizens of Allah’s world?

There may be many solutions to this very important and earth-shattering situation. The one possiblity that strikes one most is the likelihood of Allah getting so disgusted with the people of the world, specially the Muslims, who were supposed to show the way, that He abandoned the idea of the Judgment Day totally. He washed his hands off the whole thing.

No doubt, it is for this reason alone, the earthlings have become too unruly for there is no more any punishment and the world has come to the present horrible situation. And those who can see the future say that the world is to come to a much more horrible state. It may be flattened like it is said in Islamic folk-lore! That will be the day!

By: A. Ghosh

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