Death of Sanjay Gandhi: Decimation of the Dynasty – Why Did it All Happen?

Not too far from Jaipur, Rajasthan, there is the small city of Amber. Amber’s ruler was Man Singh. It was Akbar’s time then in Mughal India and Man Singh was one of Akbar’s top generals. However, Man Singh was a Rajput Hindu and during one of his trips to Gaud or Bengal, he happened to visit the renowned Kali Temple of Jessore (now in Islamic B’desh). Man Singh was very impressed with the Jassoreshwari Kali Murti and he arranged to transfer the goddess to Amber to be installed in his palace there. The temple priest was also transferred and even today, the descendants of the same priest does the worship at Amber on behalf of the current owners (descendants of Man Singh) of the palace.

It was widely known that all round the palace of Amber, Man Singh had a huge quantity of gold, silver and jewels hidden, below ground, inside walls, in special vaults, etc. The idea was that if ever the royal family fell on evil days, those rich possessions would be dug out and used. A curse also went with the hidden wealth: if anyone stole or looted the hidden wealth for any other purpose, he would die instantly and his entire family ruined. There would be no direct descendants left of the dynasty.

Many years passed by. The Mohammedan dynasties came and disappeared and the British ruled the country. The matter of the palace of Amber and its hidden wealth was known to many, even the British but no one made any attempt to loot the hidden wealth. Then came the Nehru dynasty. Nehru himself was more interested in female company and that included also women other than Edwina. Nehru impregnated a Hindu nun, known by the name of Shraddha Mata, who gave birth to a baby boy in a Bangalore nunnery. The matter had been hushed up and that had permitted later, much later, Sonia to go over to Japan to preach to the Buddhists of Tokyo that both Nehru and the old Gandhi were of same holiness as the Gautama Buddha or Lord Sakya Muni. The fact that the very knowledgeable Japanese were outraged is another matter.

After Nehru’s death, Indira took over the government in Delhi, in the wake of the poisoning incident of Lal Bahadur Shastri. Indira played her games, one after the other. There was the ‘gharibi hathao’ comedy, then withdrawal of privy purses from the native kings, contrary to earlier promises given by Nehru himself, when he was alive. Then there was the nationalization of banks, etc. And slowly but surely, Sanjay (aka Sanjiv) took over the reins of the government from the hands of her mother. And we all know how Indira clamped down her Emergeny Rule. Overnight, a limping democracy turned into a quasi-dictatorship. Those among us who have watched the BBC video of the 50-year Jubilee of India and Pakistan, must have noticed how this ill-bred son of Mohammad Yunus bragged that when in the next election, Indira would win, he would tighten the Emergency Rule all over India for the next t w e n t y years. But that didn’t happen; Indira lost in the election and was driven out of the government and Morarji took over.

The story we are about to tell, took place during the Emergency Rule. Sanjay Gandhi was in his elements. It was only his dictat that prevailed. No one else, including his mommy dear, had any say in anything important. Sanjay’s word was final.

Sanjay was told about Man Singh’s wealth hidden in the palace of Amber and the thief (in this he was exactly like his elder half-brother, the BCCI/Bofors thief Rajiv) Sanjay planned to loot it all. No one knows if he had been told about the curse as well! But a brat like that would not listen, any way!

How can you steal so much stuff without the people of Amber knowing it? He had to preserve the outward look of propriety, no matter what. People had not known so much yet about this sinful dynasty and they gave the benefit of the doubt to Indira, Rajiv and Sanjay (aka Sanjiv).

Sanjay sent instructions to clamp down a seven-day curfew on the city of Amber. Anyone found in the streets, any time of the day or night, would be shot at sight! Such was the order. Mind you there were no riots or Hindu-Muslim fights or anything like that at all!

During that time, that is during the curfew period, sixty truck-loads of gold, silver and jewelry were dug out from below the ground, from the vaults and thick walls, and looted by Sanjay’s men. If anyone knew, it was his mother Indira and his father Mohammad Yunus. Incidentally, Yunus still has custody of the Netji papers which should really be in India’s national archives, but no one seems to complain! No one believes that even his half-brother Rajiv Roberto knew of Sanjay’s looting of the Amber palace. And if there were some, a very few people, who knew of this affair, they did not breathe a word. The whole thing was done very quietly and swiftly. But don’t ask yourself if our gods were watching this sacrilege, because there was among the booty jewlry from the Kali Temple of the palace as well.

And now we know what happened; only we could not quite put two and two together at the time. We know now that the entire dynasty was decimated, including the old Gandhi, the apostle of truth who had advised change of name from Khan to Gandhi by an affidavit. Among Rajiv, Indira and Sanjay, it was Sanjay who had to go first and apparently for no plausible reason. That stunt plane accident was something of an impossibility, but nevertheless, it did happen and Sanjay died instantaneously. The decimation of the mongrel dynasty came later but come it did. And all this due to the curse of Jassoreshwari Kali or Mother Kali of Jessore, now in B’desh.

After having completed the above story, new information arrived from a very dependable source in the subject of the final destination of the looted bounty from Man Singh’s Amber Palace.

Those sixty-odd trucks loaded with gold and silver ingots, jewelery, pearls and other goodies were removed pronto from India. Where, how ? Well, Sanjay’s mommy dear who had hand in glove with her second son Sanjay, had arranged for the removal of the loot to imagine, where ? To Switzerland of course, the custodial country of all the looted property, anywhere in the world ! Indira Gandhi, wife of Firoz Khan, had readied two jumbo planes on New Delhi’s airport tarmac (the same airport is now named after this woman). The trucks, as they came one after the other, were emptied into the planes and boom! They flew out of India. No one was any the wiser. No hue and cry were raised by our people and their political leaders.

The next question arose after the death of the whole gang of Gandhi-Nehrus. What happened to all that money belonging to the poor country? Surely someone knows where the money is and how soon it could be transferred to the rightful owners – the Indians and their government. Even the dead Holocaust, Jewish victims are now clamouring for their assets deposited by the Nazis in Swiss banks during World War II! Surprisingly, one doesn’t hear a word about that. All the Manmohan Singhs and Chidambarams only smile their patented sweet smiles.

In the meantime, it was learnt that Sonia had removed all the money of the Rajiv Gandhi Fund to England so that in case of a change of mind the GoI could not grab the millions. Where was that money deposited? In which Bank? In Baring Bank of course! And soon that bank turned turtle. The entire RGF, so the story goes, was reduced to zero. Then what did the GoI do? Without asking any questions, replenished the entire amount from GoI funds, people’s fund. And now one suspects that a large part of this replenishment came from the Amber palace loot. Well, no doubt time will show! The culprits have been fully identified by our gods and goddesses.

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