Gujral And Gawahar: Smilarities Galore

Gujral And Gawahar:

Smilarities Galore


The Truth Detector

There are striking similarities between Inder Kumar Gujral, son of Avtar Narain Gujral of Jhelum (Pakistan) and Jawahar Lal Nehru, so called son of Moti Lal Nehru of Allahabad (City of Allah), grandson of Gangadhar Nehru, a police officer in Delhi in the days of 1857 mutiny . No, he was not on the side of the mutineers; he was on the side of the British, lathi charging, arresting and punishing the Indian patriots of those days.

Avtar Narain did no such thing but on the other hand what he did do, does no credit to Inder Gujral or the Hindus. Avtar Narain had signed on the Constitution of theocratic Pakistan, on behalf of the captive Hindus of that animal kingdom. This is a striking similarity in the sense that both Gangadhar Nehru and Avtar Narain Gujral were traitors!

Recently, one of those all pervasive astro-logers of India had said that Inder Gujral will have a long political life as India’s prime minister, almost like Nehru. Why, how? He pontificated that all those who had r’s, in their names, were sure to survive a long tenure in government. As an example, this wise astrologer explained that after the ‘long’ tenures of Jawahar Lal Nehru (pronounced Gawahar Lal in Arabic), Indira Gandhi (the real name Khan was immaterial) and Rajiv Gandhi had a great many r’s in their names.

Nehru had one r in Jawahar and another r in Nehru; Indira Priyadarshini also had several r’s in her name and so did Rajiv Roberto Brijesh Gandhi. And that is why they, according to this astrologer, ruled India for so long.

He also predicted that Inder Kumar Gujral had three r’s in his name and ergo, he was sure to rule India for many years. What this idiot did NOT tell us is, that perhaps it is this abundance of r’s that had caused such tragic ends to the lives of these prime ministers, inspite of their covered up inadequacies (by the PR outfits hired by the GoI) and glorified personas.

Nehru, who had studied Botany (and not political science or economics) while preparing for his Bar-at-Law exam, Indira having no degree as a result of her insatiable sexual appetite (she had been chased out of Tagore’s Shantiniketan University for sexual misconduct while a student there, as well as from Oxford for non-performance), were both failures in the field of education. Sure, they have written books; so what? Hasn’t Sonia the Italian too, written a big fat book in English on Rajiv?

Rajiv had hired a renowned PR firm like Satchi & Satchi to falsely advertize that he was a qualified chemical engineer from Cambridge while in reality he was no such thing. He hadn’t passed a single examination in Cambridge during all those three long years. The false information had already been recorded in many encyclopedias in the US, perhaps in Europe too, before people cuaght up with it. Now all that is being rectified and deleted. Is there any shame greater than that for a prime minister of a country?

Other than, one would say, going to bed with the Italian broad, like his maternal grand-father used to do during his prime minister’s days, with Edwina while our jawans died on the battle front, Rajiv never ever showed any sign of intelligence. His father and paternal grandfather were both Sunni liquor suppliers; liquor suppliers, Sunni or otherwise, are normally not associated with intellectual excellence! There was no reason for Rajiv to inherit extraordinary cerebral aptitude at all! The offspring of an ass is an ass! Doesn’t everyone know that?

Rajiv was a cowardly thief, pure and simple;it is his cowardly nature that forced him to yield to the threats of Haji Mastaan, the Mohammedan the Bombay ruffian, at the time of Moslem Personal Law crisis. His Mohammedan roots, unbeknown to the Hindus, made him yield more rapidly than was necessary, putting India’s clock of national progress back by at least fifty years, if not more.

Now, let us not forget that this Bofors and BCCI thief had a number of r’s in his name as we have already seen earlier! Then how come he was such a big failure? Will the asinine astrologer explain before the entire slavish country, led by the Romilla Thapars and Subhashini Alis, starts making ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’!

And what good is having so many r’s in their names when finally they were all decimated by the hand of the Almighty! In a country where people would not hurt even a chicken, we had not one, not two, but three assassinations and that too in quick succession. And surprise of surprises, all three were Gandhis! The first one, the old Gandhi who had been compared with Lord Buddha by the Italian woman Sonia in Japan on behalf of India, was shot by a Hindu; the second, Indira Khan (aka Gandhi by affi-davit) by two Sikhs and the third, whom M.O. Mathai, Nehru’s personal assistant of many years, had called ‘a bastard’ in the primogenitive sense, was killed by a Catholic lady of Tamil extraction. Now if this is not divine dispensation to decimate the sinful dynasty, then what is it?

I suspect that the astrologer did not di-vulge the other factor that his reading must have indicated, the assassination factor! Or, even the syphilis factor that overcame Jawahar, who had his famous tryst with destiny on the night of 14th August in 1947. There are people who tell us that Nehru contracted the disease by drinking a glass of water from a dhaba in Delhi. But who would believe such unmitigated tripe? Not me, not you! Perhaps Funny Shankar Aiyar or Palaniappan Chidambaram of the Finance Minsitry of India would!

Then how does the r’s affect the future of Inder Gujral. The first thing Gujral did was to issue a great number of visas to Pakistanis to generate ‘good will’. The visas were issued by Gujral’s India to Pakistanis at a time when according to the GoI there were more than 11,000 Pakistanis already in India over-staying illegally. No one knows how many were ISI bandits? What kind of ‘doctine’ is Gujral trying to formulate? It is such conduct of Nehru’s that had drawn the wellknown epithet of ‘a running dog of imperialists’ from his Chini Bhai Chow en Lai, remember?

Gujral cites from Urdu poets, wears Jinnah cap to hide his baldness, and thus hopes to snuggle up wioth the Pakistanis, before he gets screwed. Here is a man who and whose party had fought against India’s struggle for freedom during the Quit India Movement, sided with the Pakistanis against India in favor of the partition of the country, his father’s signature on Pakistan’s theocratic Constitution clearly displays the philosophy of the family. The man cannot be trusted. Like Nehru who had hired Zakir Husain, a traitor (only we did not know at the time when he had offered his services to Jinnah in June, 1947, prior to partition and had built a mosque inside the Rashtrapati Bhavan as well) as India’s president, it is quite possible that Gujral would hire a Shahabuddin or Sait or even Mullah Bukhari at an important and vital juncture in national politics. We need to keep a close watch on this goateed man whose ‘dil hai Pakistani’.

And if he does not behave, cutting out silly, childish and insulting conduct, I can see, and that too, sans being an astrologer, that his end may not be too far. India’s Hindus and everyone else except the Moham-medans, cannot take it any more!

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