Behind the Screen in Kashmir

(By Vidur, Kashmir)
It is in the so-called happy valley of Kashmir that you will find glaring and conspicuous Islamic exhortations to the ‘momins’ to annihilate the ‘kafirs’ in a holy Jihad and to confiscate their property, kidnap and rape their women and thus usher in a ‘pure’ Islamic ‘darul Islam’.

Injunctions on the above to the Moslems have been followed in letter and spirit in Kashmir with only some rare exceptions.

Anything that existed before the acceptance of the Prophet’s faith is considered as a remnant of the Dark Ages (Jahiliya), to be tolerated for the time being until the opportunity comes to decimate it. The universal notion of right and wrong, mutual respect and peaceful co-existence, cut no ice with these people for whom there is only one ‘truth’ and that is the Islamic ‘truth’, in other words only their version of Islamic truth. Since there cannot be two truths, any other truth that does not coincide with their version of the truth, should be deemed as ‘untruth’ and thus it behooves the ‘faithful momins’ to eradicate the ‘false truth’ from the face of the earth. It was this same argument that Umar, the second Calif held out to his generals before they set upon the destruction of the famous library of Ptolemy in Alexandria.

We Hindus may prattle and preach like a parrot that all religions are the same, but the Moslem militants in Kashmir are surely outside of any such religion! When old Gandhi’s chief disciple, Vinoba Bhave, came to Kashmir with his friends in late 1950’s, he was hooted and howled, rebuked and insulted by the Moslems in Kashmir till he stopped his group discussions in Sopore and other towns. That was the tribute that Islam paid to secularism! And this news was totally suppressed by Nehru; and the Indian media breathed not a word on Bhave’s bitter experience in Kashmir.

The mongrels among political apologists in India find nothing ‘communal’ about the on-going insurgency in Kashmir; these idiots call it a law and order problem! These perverted people tell us the fairy tale of the ‘conversion’ of the Muslim League into National Conference in 1938, the Kashmiri Moslems ‘defending’ together with the Hindus the city of Srinagar when the invaders from Pakistan had almost reached the capital of the State in 1947!

But those Hindus who talk about Kashmiri Moslems being on the side of Pakistan are ignoramuses. They do not know, neither they want to know that Islam is NOT a territory. One Suhrawardy, Sheikh Abdullah’s cabinet minister had publicly announced that in Islam there is no love for any country, only for Khuda or Allah, the god of the Moslems. He had said: “Islam men watan-parasti hai nahin, sirf Khuda-parasti hai.” That their aim was to convert the Hindus of India, by hook or by crook into Islam. It is only for that reason that the Kashmiri Moslems had decided to stay with secular India and had not joined hands with Jinnah’s non-secular Pakistan.

The man had also, at the time, threatened prominent Hindu leaders that they will be converted by force and it would be better for them if they accepted Islam on their own before the final day of surrender to Islam arrived, for Islam means not only ‘peace’ but also ‘surrender’. The task of squeezing out almost the entire Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist populations from Pakistan is now complete. They would therefore take on the entire ‘kafir’ population of India. Islam is looking at the whole of India as their territory for in Islam it is forbidden to let go any region that had once been under Islam and the whole of India is looked upon by the Islamists as their rightful country having been once ‘conquered’ by the ‘saiful Islam’ or the sword of Islam!

The advocates of the Jamait Islami never fight shy of telling the Moslems of Kashmir that they are not concerned with the numerical strength of the Hindus, who according to them, are not as militant or vocal as the Moslems. As an example they cite the case of their Prophet; he had a poor following but his bravery and daring crushed ruthlessly all opposition. The devotion to the cause is what is important.

The secularist assumes that the struggle in Kashmir is political and not religious in nature. Why then do they have ‘Muslim Janbaz Force’ and not ‘Kashmir Janbaz Force’? What do names like ‘Allah Tigers’, ‘Ikhwanul Muslimeen’, ‘Hizb -i-Islam’ and ‘Harkatul Jihad’ signify?

The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, which is actually the Kashmir Liberation Front, does not have even a faint shade of secularism. In November 1989, the All India Kashmiri Pandit Sabha implored that murders and abductions of Hindus in Kashmir be stopped as the community does not want to come in the way of the pursuit of liberation by the majority community in Kashmir, which means the Moslems. The Sabha’s request for a dialogue was contemptuously turned down. The tiger refused to listen to the clemency petition of the lamb! Ashok Qazi, the Secretary of the Sabha, approached the militant outfit through the intercession of the press, to clarify the Sabha’s stand, within three days.

The dead body of Ashok Qazi, was found cut up in pieces, on one of the busiest streets of Srinagar in broad daylight with a piece of paper attached to his head which read:Azadi ka Matlab hai – La Illah Il Allah, Mohammad Rasool Allah (The meaning of liberation is that there is no god but Allah, others’ gods are NO gods and Mohammad is Allah’s only prophet). That was Islam’s reply to Hindus’ appeal for moderation, justice and fairplay!

Then there are the treasonous politicians in India who maintain that the insurgency and armed struggle in Kashmir is a global problem and it has no religious connotations. They insist that when a rich man’s child is kidnapped, it is for the ransom money; when a Hindu girl is abducted, it is again for the profit they count on by using her in the brothels. Businessmen are whisked away and quietly released on promise of handsome ransoms by the businessman himself! So where is religion in the episode?

These brainless politicians also mention the case of terrorists elsewhere who inflict torture on their victims for no reason at all other than personal gains. They cite the ULFAs of Assam, the LTTE of Sri Lanka and the Naxalites; these outfits, they argue, aspire after regional control and not religious demands. They even receive aid from foreign powers. Who is going to tell these ignoramuses that Kashmir’s Moslem militants too receive foreign help, from Pakistan and a host of oil-rich Arab Moslem countries. Who can convince them that the goal here is NOT regional but religious for Islam is inextricably intertwined with regional aspirations. The primary motivation of Jihad is to turn the entire world into an Islamic world, a darul Islam. Their only cry of war is Allahu Akbar, a naked religious cry! Islam’s fight in the darul harb has already started in India. Lebanonization has commneced!

There is a voracious appetite for money in Kashmir. This money purchases silence of political leaders, bureaucrats and men in high positions, the press and the broadcasting media even the observers sent out by the various Human Rights organizations. That explains the wide publicity given in the west of the falsely created Kunan case but no retraction made after the truth was discovered. The Christian west is siding with the Moslem of the Middle east and India, for they argue both stem from the same Abraham/Ibrahim!

In Kashmir and even in India, no Moslem is recognized as an effective leader unless he successfully abuses or threatens the Hindus. Sheikh Abdullah gained popularity as a leader in Kashmir in 1931 only after he spoke from the platform of the Muslim Conference, preceded by recitations from the Koran. He urged the silent peace-loving Moslems of Kashmir to rise up and fight in the name of Islam, and reduce the Hindus of Kashmir to dust; to leave only scavenging work for their livelihood, all other work being denied to them. The stupid Pandit Nehru failed to realize that his fight against Maharaja Hari Singh was in reality a fight against the Hindus.

Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, who was worried about the future of Kashmiri Hindus living in the Valley, offered huge sums of money to stupid Nehru for their rehabilitation outside Kashmir valley. Nehru refused to consider it and said that acceptance of the proposal would be a blow to his dogma of secularism. And the current leaders of India are doing exactly the same and Kashmir’s Hindus are paying the heavy price.

Before independence, Nehru used to come to the house of one Pandit Bal Kak Dhar every time he visited Kashmir. Pandit Dhar was an eminent personality. As a child I would often accompany my father when prominent Hindus such as Shiv Narayan Fotedar, Amar Nath Kak,

Shamboo Nath Dhar and Janardan Teng would sit around Nehru on the floor in accordance with Indian custom and Nehru used to sip his famous Kashmiri tea. Nehru, at the time, talked always of the Kashmiri Pandits of Allahabad, his own Kashmiri forefathers and so on. But as soon as he became the prime minister, such meetings were meticulously avoided by the man.

However, he was invited to speak from the historic platform of Sheetal Nath in 1948. On that occasion, Nehru roared like a lion and asked the Hindus, nay, ordered them, to join the National Conference. His request was readily accepted by the Kashmiri Hindus. “If Kashmir is to be retained in India,” he said, “the Kashmiri Hindus must forget their political and economic rights.” Unfortunately, we did not ask him at the time, if this advice was in the spirit of secularism and if he would proffer the same advice to the Moslem minority in the rest of the country as well!

In early 1962, a small group of Kashmiri Hindus met Nehru in New Delhi. The man was still the prime minister but with his back to the wall as China’s Chou en Lai had cornered him. The trouble in Kashmir was by then quite evident to everybody. The Hindus were being persecuted by his own Moslem friends that he had installed in positions of power. The leader of the group told the not-so-bright Nehru:”Not to speak of our legitimate political and economic rights; we are now sacrificing even our freedom of conscience”. Nehru listened patiently and did not utter a word. One of the group could not take this continued silence any longer. He asked:”Is suicide the only solution left for us now?”

Nehru smiled and said, “The progeny of those who gave many a great man and woman to India over the centuries should exercise more patience. In a democracy, the will of the majority prevails, but you are not in the majority in Kashmir”.

I wish someone had asked him:”Does the will of the Hindu majority prevail in the rest of the country?”

In a public meeting at the residence of Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammed, while addressing the National Conference workers, he praised the Kashmiri Pandit community for its tolerance and patience. This proved counter-productive. Kashmiri Moslems got annoyed with this statement of his. Bakhshi had hoped to curry favor to the Moslems but instead earned their wrath. That is because Bakhshi Mohammed had forgotten that there is no secularism in Islam, only intolerance toward the ‘kafir’ or non-Moslems!

The abductions of Rubaiyya Sayed and Nahid Imtiyaz were just comedies to get the militants released. No harm was done to any of them while in so-called captivity. But such was NOT the case when a Hindu woman was abducted by orders issued from a mosque. She was cut up in pieces with a large saw, the perfect Islamic instrument of torture, and which reminds us of Bhai Mati Dass who was sawed alive by the bastard Aurangzeb. The dead body of this Hindu lady was left hanging from a horizontal bar for display. It should be understood that the victim did not lose consciousness until the blade of the saw reached her breast and midriff!

Take the case of Girja Tiku, mother of two children. She was abducted and made to walk stark naked from house to house in the village of Trehgam. And the followers of Islam, made teenagers and septuagenarians fornicate her in public. Does it remind one of the activities of Allah’s faithful in East Pakistan/Bangladesh? And then after all this, the lady was sawed alive.

Such treatment to innocent, unarmed, harmless womenfolk can come only from Islam and its inherent religious fanaticism. It is time that the Hindus ask an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. How can we allow Kashmiri Moslem men and women, in fact any Moslem men and women, move about in the rest of India like they are a part of the civilized society?

(Readers please note that this same report had been sent to English language newspapers in India but the mongrel editors would not publish it because it tells the truth about the futility in attempting to bring the Moslem population of India in the secular mainstream. These editors hide the facts from the Hindus while the Moslems are fully informed from many sources: the Radio Pakistan, their ‘khutbas’ every Friday in all mosques and of course the Urdu press which is never censored for fear of going against Nehruvian secularism. It is only natural that the common Hindu will take up the challenge and fight his own battle with or without the help from its so-called leaders. This has already started happening. Do not be surprised when you discover in the very near future the false leaders abandoned on the way side!)

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