


The Truth Detector

Chutzpah is a Yiddish word. It is widely used today in the English language. Webster’s encyclopedic unabridged dictionary gives its meaning as unmitigated effrontery or impudence. What could be a better example than to illustrate it with a few widely known examples?-

Chutzpah is to advise Hindu-Muslim Bhai-Bhai to the Hindus of India after the horrors perpetrated by the Muslims during Islamic rule of India over several centuries. Chutzpah is to call those Hindus fundamentalists who go for Hindu-Hindu Bhai-Bhai.

Chutzpah is to pass off the wedding between Feroze Khan (son of Nawab Khan, Motilal Nehru’s grocer) and Indira Nehru (Jawaharlal’s daughter) as a marriage between a Gandhi and a Nehru. The name Gandhi was acquired by an affidavit after the marriage which took place in Britain.

Chutzpah is to hold a sham Vedic wedding in India between the couple, a Hindu bride and a Muslim groom. Such weddings were legally verboten at the time and according to Nehru’s own personal secretary M.O. Mathai, the whole exercise was a case of concubinage, a Muslim practice! This makes, according to Mathai, both Rajiv and Sanjiv (aka Sanjay) bastards!

Chutzpah is to tell the Indian public that
the profligate Jawahar died of a heart attack when in reality, he died of syphilis.

Chutzpah is to tell the people that Pakistan could come only over the dead body of M.K. Gandhi but then once Pakistan was created, to threaten the GOI with a fast till death if the 55 crores of rupees were not handed over to the enemy.

Chutzpah is Gandhi’s posing as the apostle of truth but to advise Jawahar to change the surname of his newly married son in law and daughter, from Khan to Gandhi.

Chutzpah is for the foreign-born Sonia, who did not even know in which part of the world India existed, when she first met Rajiv Gandhi in a Greek pasta-place in the back alleys of Cambridge, to sermonize over the Japanese, equating Lord Buddha with Gandhi and Jawaharlal.

Chutzpah is sending our jawans to fight against our own people in Sri Lanka as well as in Somalia while doing next to nothing to stop the Muslim traitors of Kashmir sustained by enemy Pakistan.

Chutzpah is Sonia’s demand for justice for Rajiv’s assassination committed by a fellow Catholic while doing nothing to bring to justice the criminals who murdered thousands of unarmed Sikh civilians, men women and children in Congress-held provinces. Chutzpah is to put the cart before the horse; what needs to be done is to try Rajiv, the prime-mover of Sikh-killing, his then Home Minister Pamulaparti Venkataraman Narasimha Rao and the umpteen hoodlums of the Rajiv brigade, who are still at large! Chutzpah is to keep mum on the Bofors swindle!

Chutzpah is to pass off Rajiv as a statesman and Mr. Clean to boot, when the bimbo could not pass a single exam in three years at Cambridge. Chutzpah is to get Rajiv’s name in US children’s encyclopedias as a qualified Mechanical Engineer, when in reality he was a nobody!

Chutzpah is to cremate Rajiv’s corpse instead of burying the body, to fool India’s (overwhelmingly Hindu) public; Chutzpah is to spread dirt over the pyre after the cremation when no one was looking and call it a symbolic burial!

Chutzpah is to tell the public that Rahul’s great-grand-father was Jawaharlal Nehru and to suppress the name of his paternal great-grand-father Nawab Khan!


Chutzpah is to call the Nehrus a dynasty and a case of historic succession, one generation after the other. What succession? Jawahar was succeeded by Shastri; Rajiv was succeeded by P.V.N. Rao. Matters connected with Shastri’s assassination were suppressed while Sonia makes such a big deal on Rajiv’s death!

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