


The Truth Detector

Case 1 (Congress-I Style):

Diego Garcia is a fairly large island in the Indian Ocean which once belonged to India. It is located to the south of the Maldive Islands and it goes without saying that it has tremendous strategic importance from the viewpoint of defense and commerce.

The island was populated with people of Indian ancestry, like in Maldive Islands, only in the case of Maldive, the island’s residents were all forced at sword-point to accept Islam by Arab pirates and feudal lords who had occupied the island from time to time. A full account of the episode has been given by Thor Heyerdahl of the Kon-Tiki fame in his book The Maldive Mystery. There he tells us how the Buddhist residents of the Maldive Island were slaughtered and converted to Islam. However, the book may be difficult to procure today as organized Islamic interests have bought up all unsold copies of the book to hide the truth from public knowledge.

Hindu citizens of India, even Shankar Dayal Sharma or Narasimha Rao, cannot buy land or settle down in Maldive Islands or in Kashmir. But to ‘protect’ Maldive Island, India’s dummy prime minister Rajiv Gandhi had once employed Indian soldiers to support the existing Moslem head of state of that puny little island in the midst of the Indian ocean! And this was much before the same kind of mistake was committed once again by him in Sri Lanka. Bums never learn!

The conflict against Communism was in full swing then. Little England had shrunk from its Great Britain days. Uncle Sam wanted a base in the underbelly of both India (an ally of the Soviets) and of Russia. But the Yankees wanted the island of Diego Garcia cleared of its existing residents, hundreds of thousands of them. They offered a decent price for it.

What did John Bull do? It approached the Moslem ruler of Zanzibar, another island on the East Coast of Africa, off Tanganyika. John Bull offered less than a million dollars to the Sultan of Zanzibar if he would accept these Hindu Indians in his territory for permanent resettlement. Yes, of course, the Sultan will have the right to convert these people to Islam! Secular India has nothing to say on the subject!

And thus began one of the most secretly kept depopulation project the world has ever known. Nehru knew it but the fornication-prone Islamized traitor kept it to himself. He was a well-wisher of the British as well as of the Moslems; it is not for nothing that Chou en Lai, the Chinese leader used to call him the running dog of the imperialists. He went on being adored by the clue-less Hindus of India and eventually died of syphilis, unsung by his countrymen.

Other Indian leaders, men like Advani, Vajpayee or Joshi for instance don’t even know where Diego Garcia is or where Zanzibar is located. These are men of little learning or vision. Geography and History have never been their strong points. The only thing they care for is to cling to their seats obtained by false pretense.

In their student days, they had wasted an inordinately high number of hours, doing push ups with twigs and branches. The matter of handing over the island to Uncle Sam and the total removal of people of our nation to a medieval Moslem sultanate, would not make them bat an eye. An exactly similar situation in Kashmir has not made them bat an eye either!

Well, that was not the end of Zanzibar and its Arab ruler. One fine morning, the blacks of Zanzibar woke up to the fact that they had been exploited by the slave-driving Arabs and their Indian side kicks. A terrible slaughter followed. Most Arabs were slain; those survived, left the country. The erstwhile sultan did the same. Many Indians were slaughtered too but most fled; it was their second fleeing, first time it was from Diego Garcia, with the help of the British government. Zanzibar ceased to exist. It joined up with the African country Tanganyika, a former German colony; the new country is known today as Tanzania. Thus perished the Diego Hindus!

Case 2 (Ismaili Style):

Idi Amin, the nearly 300 pounder hippo-like African ruler of Uganda, once took it in his head to insult all his non-African countrymen. He got the top CEO’s of British mercantile houses and made them carry a wooden howdah-like box in which this heavy man sat with his mattresses, pillows and parasol. The sun outside was hot like an oven. The white men, had to carry this big fat meat ball along the city’s most important road.

When the journalists asked the newly elected president: “Mr. Amin! What are you doing?” Amin replied: “You see, my countrymen never really understood what a white man’s burden was. Now with me on top and the white men carrying me, they know exactly what is meant by a white man’s burden!” Well, such a man cannot of course survive too long. The fellow is in virtual house arrest in Saudi Arabia where his activities are now limited to the five prayers in the mosque. That keeps him fit and out of trouble. No more cannibalism for him now!

The Ugandans kicked out all Indians. They ran out helter skelter everywhere. Some came to India to stay with distant families, some ran to the British Isles, set up businesses under difficult conditions. But the Government of India which waxes eloquent on the equality of religions, and everyone being our friends, etc. didn’t even lift a finger to make matters easy for its citizens and people. And these are the people who had contributed enormously to the wealth of the Indian government, wealth that the Nehrus, Indiras and Rajivs squandered on festivals of India.
Now let us look at the young Aga Khan; his name is Karim and his father’s name was Prince Aly Khan. Prince Aly was half Italian and Karim is three-quarters European. But he is well-educated. Among his class-mates at the Harvard University was Adlai Stevenson’s son, later a Senator; then Pierre Trudeau of Canada, later the prime minister of that country. How does Advani or Atal fit in?

When the Idi Amin calamity came, what did Karim do? He went straight to see Pierre Trudeau, then the prime minister of Canada.

He told him of the vicissitudes that had befallen his Khoja community, due to no fault of theirs. Now the Khoja community is well known for their intelligence (they believe in the ten incarnations of Vishnu and many other Hindu scriptures and holy books of learning), hard work and good business sense, an asset to any country.

Trudeau gave Aga a blanket permit for immigration of Khojas to Canada where now they are a thriving and happy community. Many Hindus of India from Uganda have also succeeded but there is a difference.

The difference is that the GOI or even the many temple organizations that have cost an arm and a leg to the various Hindu communities, from Bochanaswami Swaminarayan Sanstha to the cymbal clanging Hare Krishna people, none have come forward to help its community when such help was vital. Has anyone heard about a Hare Krishna Guru or any other Guru to have confronted the Fiji government for instance for the rightful demands of the Hindus in that island state, or in Uganda for instance? (As far as Rama Krishna Mission goes, its top honcho Swami Ranganathananda, had left Sindh pronto at the time of partition to save himself, leaving his devoted disciples behind, in the jaws of death. In the next month some 50,000 Hindus became Ghulam Hussains and Ghulam Mohammeds in Karachi alone.)

Not only that. When things became rather tense in Kenya, another African country not far from Idi Amin’s Uganda, Prince Karim went straight to the president of the newly formed government and asked him point blank what was in his mind. Prince Karim told him that if he planned on banishing his people (here he made it clear that his people meant the Khoja community only and not the people of the whole world), then rather than waiting for the last minute, he was going to take his people out right away. This would of course put the African government in a quandary for quite clearly, it was not yet ready for such a wholesale departure. So, eventually it (the banishment) didn’t take place.

Many don’t know that Uganda is now asking the departed Indians to come back but it is not so easy to pick up one’s belongings, lock stock and barrel and then come back to re-start everything. Most didn’t pay any attention. But the Government of India did. It sent agents to contact Ugandan government offering Indian immigrants there, to play out the dastardly game once again. And for each immigrant, the Indian government took a big cut for Rajiv Gandhi fund. Here is an ideal case of a people doing everything for the government but the government doing nothing at all for its people!

And to think that the Khojas had asked the British for a separate country (exactly like Pakistan) carved out of India but ruled by their Imam, the first Aga Khan, grandfather of the present Karim Aga Khan! And most of their donations from money earned in India, are spent in Moslem countries like Pakistan, Syria, Malaysia etc. And who would say that only a few generations ago, these Ismailis of India were Hindus who chose the then Imam, a descendent of the ‘assassins’ (derived from the drug ‘hasheesh’) just because, like the Sufis, he told them stories of Vishnu and his ten incarnations and put himself on the list as well. The Imam, for an Islamili is God himself, never mind how much he gambles at the casinos, drinks in the bars (the champagne in the Imam’s mouth turns into water, absolving him of any sin that would hit you and I for drinking alcohol) or womanizes.

The secret lies in the unity. Even if you are a few but united behind a clever fox, you are stronger than those spread out separately in great numbers behind a stupid goat. We need to look hard at our self-proclaimed leaders and if they do not measure up, we need to kick them out. Otherwise we ourselves will be kicked out in the final battle! It is vital that the leader be endowed with leader’s qualities; he should be intelligent. The real meaning of intelligence is to know ahead what the enemy is up to. The leader has to be in the enemy’s frame of mind. A leader must be capable of intuition, an intuition born of knowledge, vision, experience and of course own resourcefulness and gumption! For such a leader, the followers will forgive many sins but not the sin of failure. Failure is the worst sin of all!

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