Did Nehru Betray Netaji?


(Extracts from Samar Guha M.P.’s



There was a time when strong doubts persisted if Netaji was still alive or indeed dead in that airplane accident. The British Intelligence must have had pursued the matter further at Kabul and at Tehran for ascertaining the truth about the report of Netaji’s arrival at Moscow and submitted their findings to the GoI. But no report of such follow-up action was placed either before the Shah Nawaz Committee or the Khosla Commission. The Government under Mrs. Gandhi told Khosla Commission that many confidential files of Nehru connected with the reports about Netaji were either missing or destroyed. These files were dealt with by the personal secretary of Pandit Nehru – Mohammad Yunus (who later fathered Sanjay Gandhi). These files are still with this man and NOT in the public archives of the GoI. Can anyone believe it?

The British intelligence team informed their Government that Pandit Nehru “received a secret communication from Bose”. This report was confirmed by a witness, Shri Shyamlal Jain of Meerut, while he deposed before Khosla Commission. In 1945-46, Shri Jain was working as a confidential steno of Asaf Ali (remember him? The traitor who handed over a ship-load of weapons to Pakistan, purchased by the GoI!) who was Secretary to the INA Defense Committee with Bhulabhai Desai as its Chairman and Pandit Nehru as one of its prominent members. This confidential steno of the INA Defense Committee, in the course of his deposition, made a shocking revelation about Nehru’s attitude toward Netaji.

Shri Jain told Khosla Commission:

“I solemnly affirm and state on oath that one evening (the date may be Dec. 26 or 27, 1945) I was called by Shri Jawaharlal Nehru on telephone to come to the residence of Shri Asaf Ali with a typewriter as he had a lot of work to be typed by me, which I complied. After getting some papers typed by me, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru drew out a paper from the pocket of his achkan and asked me to make four copies of it for him. The said paper was a hand-written matter and was somewhat difficult to read. Now, what was written on that paper, I am trying to reproduce from my memory:”

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose proceeding by aeroplane from Saigon arrived today, August 23, 1945 at Dairen (Manchuria) at 1:30 afternoon. The said plane was a Japanese bomber plane. It was full of gold in the shape of bars, ornaments and jewelry. Netaji carried two attache cases, one in each hand. On alighting from the plane, Netaji took tea with bananas. When Netaji finished tea, he along with four others, out of which one was a Japanese named General Shidei (and others have lapsed from memory), took their seats in a jeep standing nearby. The said jeep proceeded toward Russian territory. After about 3 hours the said jeep returned and informed

the pilot of the plane who flew back to Tokyo.”

“After handing over the said paper to me for typing, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru went to Mr. Asaf Ali and remained busy in conversation with him for 10 or 15 minutes…I could not complete the work, because the name of the writer on that letter was not readable, and I kept waiting for Shri Jawaharlal to come and tell me the name. In the meantime, I went through the letter several times and that is all that I could remember to the present day. Shri Jawaharlal could not discern the name of the writer and asked me to pull out the papers and hand them over as they were.

“I solemnly affirm and state on oath that thereafter Shri Jawaharlal Nehru gave me four papers from his writing pad to make four copies of a letter, which he would dictate to me on typewriter, which I also complied. The contents of the letter, as far as I could remember, were as follows:

“To Mr.Clement Attlee,

Prime Minister of Britain,

10 Downing Street, London.

Dear Mr. Attlee:

I understand from a reliable source that Subhas Chandra Bose, your war criminal, has been allowed to enter Russian territory by Stalin. This is a clear treachery ad betrayal of faith by the Russians. As Russia has been an ally of the British-Americans, it should not have been done. Please take note of it and do what you consider proper and fit.

Yours sincerely,

Jawaharlal Nehru.”

One has to rub one’s eyes many times to read and then to believe what Shri Jain told the Khosla Commission. Can the evidence of Shri Jain be relied upon? It appears as unthinkable that Pandit Nehru could stoop down so low to ask Mr. Attlee to see that “their war criminal Bose” was buried alive in Russia. But from the circumstantial facts the testimony of Jain cannot be discarded as a figment of any ugly imagination.

Firstly, the British Intelligence affirmed that Pandit Nehru received a secret communication from Netaji and Jain confirmed it further without knowing anything about this secret report.

Secondly, Col. Tada, one of the principal architects of Netaji’s escape plan confided to S.A. Iyer in 1951 that the Japanese agreed to make necessary arrangements to convey Netaji to Russian territory across the border of Manchuria.

Thirdly, neither the Government Counsel appearing before the Inquiry Commission, nor Mr. Khosla either challenged or refuted the veracity of Jain’s testimony.

Fourthly, most of the secret files about Netaji, that were maintained by Pandit Nehru himself as “P.M.’s special” files, one of which included all communications connected with INA Defense Committee, were reported by the Government as “either missing or

destroyed”. It will not be easy to presume that Netaji’s communication to Nehru and a copy of Nehru’s letter to Attlee have

also been destroyed.

Fifthly, Pandit Nehru’s attitude toward Netaji completely changed after he met Mountbatten at Singapore in 1946. Late Amritlal Seth, former editor of the Gujarati Daily Janmabhumi, who accompanied Nehru during his visit to Singapore told late Sarat Chandra Bose immediately after his return from Singapore that Panditji was warned by the British Admiral that, according to his report, ‘Bose’ did not die in the alleged air crash and if Nehru played up too high with the legends of Bose and demands for re-absorption of the INA in the Indian Army, he would be taking the risk of presenting India on a platter to Bose when he reappeared.

Sixthly, the report of Amritlal Seth is corroborated by two facts. On arrival at Singapore Pandit Nehru was given a rousing reception by the INA there, when Panditji agreed to their request to place a wreath on the INA Martyr Monument, which was demolished under orders from Mountbatten immediately after British re-occupation of Singapore…Strangely, next day, Nehru refused to attend the INA Martyr Memorial ceremony organized at Singapore. About three decades later, Mountbatten boastfully stated in the ‘Nehru Oration’ speech that Nehru acted very compliantly on his advice regarding the treatment about the INA.

Seventhly, after his return from Singapore, Nehru never uttered a word about Netaji for over a decade even after he became the Prime Minister of India. Till fifties, AIR was instructed not to cover any special talk on Netaji or broadcast any news about Netaji’s birthday, exceeding a few minutes. All army barracks were prohibited from displaying any portrait of Netaji and this ban-order continued for years even after withdrawal of the British Power.

Eighthly, after coming to power, Pandit Nehru got all the secret British reports which informed the Wavell Government that Bose reached Russia, but as Prime Minister of India he never inquired anything publicly about these reports from the Russian Government.

Ninthly, Nehru all along opposed any demand of a full-fledged judicial inquiry about the Netaji mystery and appointed Shah Nawaz Committee mainly for the purpose of scuttling the move for a non-official inquiry about Netaji under the chairmanship of Dr. Radha Benode Pal.

Nehru’s changed attitude lends credence to the testimony of Shyamlal Jain.


And this is man that Sonia Gandhi had presented to the Japanese in Tokyo, as a great soul who could be equated with Lord Sakyamuni, enraging the Japanese intelligentsia. By then many had come to know what the real cause of Nerhu’s death was. Such is the punishment of our Gods. No doubt, with a prime minister like Nehru, India has gone backward and there is a heavy price to pay for harboring traitors like Asaf Ali, Shah Nawaz Khan and their likes.

(Truth Detector: Courtesy – Netaji: Dead or Alive)

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