Gujral’s Pakistani Guest



Truth Detector

This is a true story on our mentally handicapped migrant prime minister I.K. Gujral, from Jhelum, Pakistan and the fall-out of his ill-advised visas issued to Pakistanis.

As soon as he became the prime minister of India, Gujral started his favorite game to attract Pakistani support, personal support, for himself. Incidentally, the man’s English is somewhat deficient; his pronouncing of the word support as ‘sport’ is a proof. In a bid to do something different, Gujral, permitted issuing of tourist visas to Pakistanis without any questions asked. Never mind, our country was choc-a-bloc with ISI agents, bombs were being blasted in all parts of India, innocent and legitimate Indian tourists were being rounded up in Pakistan by Pakistani ruffians going by the name of lawmen. Only recently, such a tourist of Hindu faith was arrested by the Lahore police; they charged him for being an Indian spy but there were no papers or chargesheet though. During interrogation, the man was so badly manhandled that he died on the spot. When the matter was brought to the attention of the number 2 of the Indian Embassy in Washington DC, one Shyamala Cowsik, after a prolonged delay, the Truth Detector was casually informed that they could not solve the problem of this uncalled for death of an Indian citizen in enemy country, Pakistan.

Then came the incident of the arrest and death of a young married woman, Hindu woman, Mrs. Kumar by name. She too was charged by the Pakistani police as an Indian spy. And behold, soon after, her dead body was brought to Edhi’s charitable dispensary. The conjecture was that the lady was killed by gang-rape by Pakistani police. In this case too, Nawaz Sharif’s government did ‘fanny adams’ for the victim. Now comes the story that a young Hindu father of two children, was arrested by the Pakistani police, some two or three years ago and all three are still vegetating in a prison of the animal kingdom! No one sees or hears about any endeavor by the rulers of India to even lift a finger for the help of our countrymen. Our media, the Times of India, the India Today, the umpteen newspapers and their Editors with stunted brains, on the other hand, tell us about Gujral’s breakfasting with Nawaz Sharif, the erstwhile Jalandhari, with ‘puri and halwa’ implying the golden age between the two countries. But that is all an exercize to create a false impression!

Now even the Pakistani newspapers have started the same game. Writes the Pakistan Post in its Feb. 27 issue:

(Reproduced in Roman Urdu)

Nawaz Sharif aur Gujral ke murasem gahre ho gaye. (Lahore, Pakistan Post): Nawaz Sharif aur I.K. Gujral men zati dostana taluqaat qaem ho chuke hein. Donon wazrae azam ke darmiyan qurbat aur pyar ki fiza maujud hai. Ek Bharati akhbar ke mutabiq Pakistan aur Bharat apne bahmi tanazeyat ko khushgawar-andaz men hal kar ke mustaqabil ki taraf pesh-qadami kar sakte hein. Tareekhi jhagron aur mamuli ikhtalafat ko bala-i-taaq rakh kar ek naye daur ke aghaaz karne ka waqt aa pahuncha hai.

The meaning of the above text is:

The friendship between Nawaz Sharif and I.K. Gujral has deepened. (From the Pakistan Post of Lahore): The natural friendshp between Nawaz Sharif and I.K. Gujral has become firmer. Between the two prime ministers there exists now an atmosphere of love and cooperation. According to an Indian newspaper, Pakistan and India have changed their past mutual relationship into a happy relationship and they can thus alter their future relationship in the future to an even better relationship. Old quarrels and differences can now be forgotten and time for a new relationship has now arrived.

It appears that the migrant from Jhelum has somehow succeeded in foisting his Gujral Doctrine, all at the expense of India and Indians. Writes Anwar Shaikh of Great Britain in his letter to the India Post Weekly of Los Angeles, California, in its issue of Feb. 6, 1998: It is my good fortune that I am no longer a lone crusader in exposing the truth that Indian patriotism and Islam cannot go together. It is inevitable that the hollowness of Gujral’s cheap politics of mutual good-neigborliness with the radical anti-Hindu Islamic government of Pakistan will back-fire. However, our idea is to limit the damage in the process.

Let us quote from the article titled The Lucknow Which Is No More! from the Pakistan Link of Feb. 13, 1998 (Courtesy TIME, Asia Edition) published in its columns of 50 Years of Independence. The article was written by one ex-Indian Mohammedan, Safdar Barlas by name. He used to be a resident of Lucknow at the time of partition. Like Salman Rushdie, he too had left India for that begoted kingdom at the time. Barlas is supposed to be a Pakistani journalist of the Daily Dawn.

We are displaying only a few extracts from Barlas’ long article followed by our own commentaries, and we believe that should be enough to open the eyes of our doubting Thomases among Indians. It must be remembered that it was Gujral’s India that had issued a good number of visas to Pakistanis in its quest for good relationship with the animal kingdom. Pakistan had done nothing to issue similar visas to intending Indian tourists. The Pakistani government didn’t even urge its police and other lawmen to look after the Indian tourists. On the other hand, sex-starved Pakistani police (thanks to the Islamic practices of segregation of the sexes and hiding their women folk behind the veil) had misused their power on Indian travelers. If Gujral did not know then this migrant from Jhelum should have known that! How long are we going to be ruled by the ignorant?

Let me quote from Barlas’ article:

…Barlas is returning for the first time to his birthplace, Lucknow, a city in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. He never imagined that it would take so long for him to go back. “Not that I was reluctant to come to Pakistan,” he says. “Far from it. But we believed that the frontiers would remain open, that Pakistan would be a liberal Muslim state, harmonious and free of religious bickerings.”

(Comments by the Truth Detector: That Pakistan was NOT a liberal Muslim state, harmonious and free of religious bickerings, that realization in Barlas’ mind is in itself winning of half the battle. Did this journalist from Karachi ever stop to think where the poison came from in the first place? Well, we in India know. It all came from that book which Salman Rushdie had called the Satanic Verses.)

Barlas goes on: Since then, enmity between the two countries has made travel nearly impossible. Only this year did Barlas feel that it was safe to obtain an Indian visa (however, Barlas does not mention Gujral’s name in this context though – TD) Why go back after half a century? As age overtakes him, Barlas knows this could well be his last chance to revisit the land where his ancestors – noblemen from Central Asia – had spread their roots for centuries. This would probably be his last opportunity to reunite with his Lucknow relatives before that link in the family chain becomes broken permanently.

(The TD does not agree with Barlas’ definition of his ancestors from Central Asia. It is doubtful if they were noblemen at all. If they had been, they would have gone back to their homes and not stay on to prosper on intolerance, slaughter, loot, arson and molestation of women – the acronym is ISLAM; in all probability Barlas’ ancestors were hoodlums hired by the invaders. Nowhere Barlas mentions the women folk that their noble ancestors brought with them. Obviously, they were all local Hindu women but Barlas is thankful for his noble ancestors only and not the ‘not so noble ancestresses’. And Barlas has nothing to tell about them! Barlas, like most of his co-religionists, has no gratitude for the country of his birth, where he had been reared, nourished by its air and water, rice, milk and wheat; it was such ungratefulness that had prompted Anwar Shaikh to express his well considered opinion on Indian Mohammedans and patriotism for the country of their birth!)

Barlas goes on: “…Two Pakistani plainclothes police approach him on the train; one asks him to bring back saucy Indian film magazines for them.”

(And these are the upholders of morality, Islamic morality? What kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde morality does the Holy Koran preach? Do they ever ask them that, the torch-bearers of Islam? – TD)

Barlas talks excitedly about seeing the house, where his family lived with a rich grandmother…Glancing up at the garish cinema marquee, Barlas notes sadly that “in this seat of Persian culture, Hindi script has eradicated his beloved Urdu…stopping to watch two Hindu women stroll by in saris, their brown midriffs exposed. “I had forgotten what women looked like in a sari. In Pakistan, we are much more conservative.”

(Surely, if he had been in those days of the sultanate, he would have been inspired to kidnap the Hindu women and see them exposed totally, perhaps! Barlas does not say in his article if the sight of the two exposed midriffs made him ejaculate in his pants!!! He does not seem to know that Urdu, the language of the MQM is after all a mongrel dialect born of the conversation between Hindu captive women and their kidnappers, the Turks, the bastards from Central Asia and so on! -TD)

Barlas, during his promenade meets a Mohammedan boy. The boy clasps his hands together in a Hindu salutation of Namaste. Barlas cannot take it quietly. He tells the boy: “Forget this namaste, give me your hand the way Muslims do.” the boy gets the idea and wishes him adab-arz; that elates Barlas.

(One wonders why Barlas and his ancestors did not add the epithet of a ‘sayed’ to their names. This way, they could establish a direct relationship with the Prophet and no one would be the wiser! Is there any possiblity of civilized conduct between a Mohammedan and any one of a different faith? Anwar Shaikh has already given his verdict on that! -TD)

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