India Is In A Quandary To Discover Why, Dig Up The Traitors

India Is In A Quandary

To Discover Why,

Dig Up The Traitors


The Truth Detector

It does not take a genius to know that if you hand over affairs to your enemies, in this case anti India and anti-Hindu elements, knowingly or unknowingly, then your goose is cooked for sure. There is no point in praying to our gods. Our gods are not there to salvage idiots and blind men who do not use the, not one but two, God-given eyes and ears, hands and legs and a brain in the head!

Let us take a few cases. There are more, many more. But just as one grain of rice tells you if the rest is cooked or not, similarly, the few cases brought to your attention will prove the validity of our reasoning!

Elsewhere in the YI you will read how the Nehru dynasty was founded by Moti Lal, the brothel keeper. He sired a number of bastards himself, including Sheikh Abdullah and Syud Husain, who had eloped with Jawahar’s sister Nan and impregnated her while absconding.

Jawahar himself was sired by Moti Lal’s boss Mobarak Ali, a brilliant lawyer. The bastard boy was born in a brothel and eventually brought up in the palace of the nawab of Oudh. It was this up bringing in the nawab’s palace and later so called education in England, that prompted Jawahar to announce publicly that he was western-educated, reared in Islamic environment and was a Hindu by accident. See the contempt for Hindus? A man who proudly talks like that in a Hindu country, should never have been made the prime minister of India in the first place. But none of our wise guys could detect the true nature of this bastard son of a Mussalman. They were all fooled by him. And ever since, the Hindus have let themelves be fooled umpteen times. And so here we are with our Motherland in a serious quandary.

Then came Indira, the wife of Firoz Khan, the son of a Moslem grocer. India went through the quasi-Islamic reign under this Mussalmani in private life, during the Emergency years. She had two sons; both by Mussalmans. Rajiv was fathered by Firoz Khan who had changed his name to Gandhi at the order of the Mahatma, the apostle of truth; and Sanjiv who later changed his name to Sanjay to get his passport replaced (by Krishna Menon, the servant of the Nehru family) was sired by Mohammad Yunus, a family friend. Yunus’ son Adil Shahriyar (later convicted for 35 years in a US prison for felony) was the play-mate of Rajiv and Sanjay. Incidentally, Indira was sired by Mobarak Ali’s son Manzoor Ali, a barrister. In order to create differences between the Hindu sects, she attacked the Hari Mandir Sahib temple during a Gurpurab, when the place was choc-à-bloc with genuine pilgrims, men, women and children. It is not for nothing that this witch and a whore was not permitted to visit the Jagannath Puri Temple. It was in the fitness of things that Indira Khan was finished off by two good Sikhs! So was Ahmed Shah!

The second son, Sanjay had practically taken over the government. This young man’s primary activity was to steal cars, sexually assault good girls. He did the same to Menaka, a good Sikh girl and tried not to marry her. But her father made a great deal of noise and the bastard son of Yunus was forced to marry Menaka. No one really knows why she was made to change her name to Maneka! Was Menaka, the name of god Indra’s dancer in heaven too embarrassing? How about his own change of name from Sanjiv to Sanjay and for what honorable reason? That this family of professional name-changers could even think of such excuses to change names, is truly baffling. Our gods could not take it any more. They saw to it that the bastard son of Mohammed Yunus died young soon after his wedding with Menaka in Yunus’ house.

Then came Rajiv, son of Firoz Khan, calling himself a Parsi, although he had secretly embraced the Catholic faith in order to marry an Italian female of unknown pedigree. To fool the people, he took some special measures, which even his maternal grand-dad never did. He started visiting Hindu temples with his newly married Catholic broad, with whom he had many a pleasant night at Cambridge, where he was supposed to study for his Mechanical Science Course but in which he failed to pass even a single examination in all three years. One cannot pass exams in Cambridge with an Italian pasta-eating girl at the side!

Both used to enter Hindu temples with foreheads smeared with vermilion to win the hearts of the Hindus while carrying a sharpened dagger in their sleeves. But not all were blind. The Pashupatinath Temple at Kathmandu refused to let this Mussalman turned into a Catholic, entry into the holy temple. Mani Shankars, Kumaramangalams and Chidambarams had tried to sell the bimbo as a bright statesman; he has been called Mr. Clean with a capital C but turned out to be a Chor or Thief. Like his mommy dear, he too used our jawans to suit his own anti-Hindu agenda; to use our army to kill Hindu men and women to help the Catholic ruler of Buddhist Sri Lanka. Mommy dear had done the same in Maldive Islands.

Now let us look at our Moslem traitors inside India. It is common knowledge that 97% of India’s Moslems had voted for Pakistan. How come they all turned into Nehruvian secularists overnight! Even adjacent Bangladesh and Pakistan declared themselves as sharia’-ruled Islamic countries!

Jawahar, the man who finally died of syphilis after his famous tryst with destiny, apparently could never find out who and where he got the disease from! He used to ask his bosom friends, if he had been infected by shaking hands with some one or drinking from a cup in a restaurant! His doctors told him in private that he should have worn a condom but that was too degrading for this Kashmiri Brahmin. He never wore the sacred thread; how could he wear a condom!

Since Mountbatten had extracted a promise from this profligate and degenerate barrister turned politician that he would see that the Indian Moslem never found the new India to be unwholesome to his Islamic ways, Nehru hired Zakir Husain. This man had offered his services to Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the father of Pakistan, just on the eve of partition. The information was published in the Daily DAWN of Karachi and Islamabad but our leaders suppressed it. Please see it elsewhere in this issue. Zakir also built a mosque inside the Rashtrapati Bhavan unbeknown to the Hindu public.

Let us take the case of Asaf Ali, a paid spy for the British who adorned the Congress Working Committee. He married Aruna, a Brahmin girl. It worked! Asaf Ali was made India’s ambassador in the US by Jawahar. Aruna proved to be the passport to success in secular India. Asaf transferred a ship-load of weapons, paid for by India, to the port of Karachi where the ship was impounded. The traitor was recalled and made the governor of Orissa by Jawahar and his brother in bastardy, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Asaf was never tried. He has a road after his name in Delhi today. What a shame!

We had a nitwit called Abid Husain, who too married a Hindu woman. He too was hired as India’s ambassador in the US. During the years of his tenure, this man did not fight the Pakistani propaganda in the Senate or the House of Representatives, but held umpteen soirées in the embassy to prove that the Moghuls were great lovers of Indo-Saracenic art. He never mentioned the harems of Moslem sultans filled with Hindu women. Akbar had 5,000 Hindu women in his harem while Jehangir had 6,000! Did he not know?

Later Abid was hired by Sonia, the widow of Rajiv, who had been bumped off in the mean time by a Catholic woman of Tamil extraction. As an employee of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Abid is now busy to prove that Rajiv indeed was a genius, only the world at large did not understand him!
There have been other actors too. With the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation funds, Sonia hired a Moslem traitor to insult the Hindus. The man’s name is Dr. Ahmed Mukarram, a resident fellow of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Contemporary Studies. This man publicly called Sita Devi a whore and would not withdraw his remarks. We need to ask if Sita is a whore or Sonia?

We have some treasonous non-Hindus among us too who carry out their nefarious activities under a Hindu garb. There are many such swine. Here is a partial list:

1. Dr. Gopi Chand Narang, an Urdu scholar who never misses a single opportunity to insult the Hindus, their heritage. He approves objectionable texts in Urdu dictionaries published in Pakistan, calling Hindus ‘slaves’. His conduct is so crude that many now believe that he has embraced Islam but for his job in India, does not flaunt it openly. No doubt, this man has been awarded a prize of some sort by Pakistani government, almost like the Nishan-i-Pakistan that Ziaul Haq had awarded to India’s clown, Morarji Desai.

2. Then we have one Maneck Ardeshir Sohrab Dalal, an almost octogenarian Parsi in name but Anglican in private life, who represents the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in England. The man has nothing Bharatiya about him; he is a shame to all Hindus but there he is, a clinically 95% dead man, rejuvenating the Vidya Bhavan. Recently he had the gall to change the name of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan to Indian Cultural Institute. Can you imagine that? But that is true.

3. Then we have Salman Khurshid of our Foreign Ministry. He is the grandson of the notorious Zakir Husain. Just wait for the kill after which he will escape to Pakistan.

4. We have also Salman Haidar, again of India’s Foreign Office. He too married a Hindu woman as his passport to success in New Delhi. In order to boost his credibility, he has started telling people that he is now a vegetarian. Why the hell doesn’t he become a Hindu and stop all these shenanigans?

5. Take this Kashmiri fiend called Ghulam Nabi Azad. He is the Minister of Civil Aviation and Tourism. And only recently it has been discovered that unknown planes taking off from Pakistan have been dropping AK-47’s in India’s border areas to arm the Moslems and the Christians. Didn’t he know that? He is even worse than the meat ball Jaffer Sharief, who had to go. Too many Moslem parasites are ruining our country. We need to take note and put our foot down. And don’t forget the 2 crore Bangaldeshi Moslems let in by Rajiv Khan!

6. V.P. Singh, who on being elected the prime minister, immediately went to offer 50 lakhs of rupees to Old Delhi’s Imam Bukhari giving rise to the rumor that he had embraced Islam, unbeknown to the Hindus of India. That is what made him support Mohammed Yusuf Khan (until now known as Dilip Kumar) in his endeavor to raise money for foreign Moslems while forgetting our own compatriot refugees from Kashmir!. V.P. Singh said on the Canadian TV that the Moslems in India are as badly treated as in Serbia. He does not know how the Hindus and Sikhs are treated in Pakistan and Bangladesh! The two raised money, not for Kashmiri Brahmins but for Bosnian Moslems. This man needs to be watched closely and denied any say in Indian matters. V.P. Singh is a traitor.

And there are many many more. We cannot afford not to watch these men closely and shout foul every time they commit anything even remotely treasonous. The almost clinically dead Rao (busy with his soft-porn literature on government’s time) and Shankar Dayal Sharma, too weak to hoist an Indian tri-color, are too preoccupied with irrelevancies. They cannot watch! The people need to come forward and if necessary mete out retribution for any misconduct by anyone in the various ministries or government offices.

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