Alif-I-Leila (The Thousand and One Nights) (Story or History?)

(The Thousand and One Nights)
(Story or History?)


The Truth Detector

These are the famous stories of Scheherazade that made the fornication-prone blood-thirsty sultan forget about the killings of his one-day wives. These are stories of jinns and wit-ches, of robbers and killers, the prime actors of folk tales that kept (and still keep) the Mohammedan world spellbound.

There are many many such stories but we will focus on the story of Ali Baba and Qasem (his brother), Marzina and the forty thieves. This is a widely known tale and some of the details need to be explained to non-Mohammedan listen-ers for they are not used to the details and often cannot make any head or tail of them. It must be understood that each story is full of information, only one has to be able to get to the bottom of it. Otherwise, the real meaning is lost.

It is assumed that the reader has read the story of Ali Baba; some may have even seen the movie made in Hollywood with some additional non-Mohammedan details. We will keep away from those details and confine ourselves to the nitty gritty of the Arabic folklore.

Although a slave girl, Marzina, Ali Baba’s servant, was a clever woman. When the forty thieves smelled a rat that someone (in this case, Ali Baba himself) was stealing their gold and silver, diamonds and jewels, they put a watch-dog to discover who was the culprit and where did he live. And behold, Ali Baba was tailed by one of the forty thieves. He discovered Ali Baba’s house. And then, what did he do? Since he did not know the city so well and all houses looked the same, he put a cross on the front door of Ali Baba’s house. When Marzina saw the mark, she smelled that something was fishy but did not quite know

what! She took a marker of the same color and put the same kind of marking on the doors of all the houses in the area. When the forty thieves came the next night to attack Ali Baba’s house, they were befuddled. Obviously, all these houses could not be Ali Baba’s. The mission failed and all explanations of the thief who had thought that he had Ali Baba in his clutches, failed; he was slaughtered by the rest of the gang, for having failed in his mission.

Now, this secretive marking of houses was widely practiced by the Mohammedan residents in Christian Balkans, constantly attacked by the Turks. Countries like Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, etc. were still free and not under the Turks. However, these Christian countries had permitted many Mohammedans to settle in their lands. Little did the majority popula-tion know that the Mohammedans were traitors, in accordance with the injunctions of the Koran. Any country where the Mohammedans do not rule, is a darul Harb or land of war. They try to turn such country or countries into darul Islams or land of Islam. The Mohammedans always keep whatever non-Mohammedan population who live among them, under strict control by measures of the sharia’ such as the jeziya so that they cannot keep arms but pay extra taxes and so on. If they refuse to pay such taxes, then they are driven out of their Islamic countries. That explains why there are hardly any Hindu/Sikh left in Pakistan today. That also explains why the Abdullahs undertook the anti-pandit measures in Kashmir. They would even bring manpower from Pakistan to do so!

Now we must realize that the Turks finally conquered the entire Balkans; they ruled there nearly 900 years, pinning down the entire Christian population. Thus there were born devils like Izetbegovics who had hatched rapid Islamizing plans giving rise to the present skirmishes, rapes and arson, etc. Now, how did the Turks succeed and by what methods? The few Mohammedans who lived in those Christian countries bred like rabbits by virtue of polygamy and behold, soon enough they were quite a sizeable population. Look at India. Pakistan has been cleared of all Hindus and Sikhs; B’desh is going the same way. And in India, the 50 million Mohammedans of 1947 have now increased to a whopping 150 million and our stupid leaders take pride in the phenomenon; they say, “Look how happy we have kept the Mohammedans in India! That India is the most populous Mohammedan country in the world after Indonesia!” and so on.

In the Balkans, the resident Mohammedans had their agents like the Indian Mohammedans have in the ISI, supplying money, arms and ideas, designed to destabilize countries like Bulgaria, Serbia, etc. These residents had prior information of Turks’ attacks and to keep them from unwittingly attacking Moham-medan homes, they used to put markings on their doors. Thus, the houses with the markings were not attacked; only unmarked houses or Christian homes were attacked, mostly at dead of night, with blood-curdling howls of Allah-u-Akbar. And it took the Christians a long time to discover the trick; when they did, it was already too late.

Now let us go to the arrest of Qasem, Ali Baba’s brother. He too discovered the thieves’ den and started stealing for himself. One day, he was so enchanted with the jewels and dia-monds, he forgot the code word to open the magic door of the den. That evening, when the thieves came and saw the mules gathered in front, they grew suspicious and rapidly went inside. They discovered Qasem totally beyond himself with the joy of looting. He was sum-marily slaughtered. But the thieves wanted to drive terror in the heart of all other thieves stealing their wealth. It was therefore necessary to advertize the matter of Qasem’s murder and how do you do that in that animal kingdom? They cut up Qasem’s body in four parts and hung them separately some distance apart, so that people would not miss noticing the horrible sight and keep away from their den. The story further tells us how the old cobbler Baba Mustafa was hired by Marzina to sew up Qasem’s body so that the dead man could have a respectable burial.

Now let us go to the part of quartering the body of Qasem. Wasn’t it enough to hang the dead body of Qasem in one piece to draw the same attention of the people to generate fear? No, Islam has its own methods of generating fear. Readers are advised to read up the Koran and discover that the methods by which Jahangir’s men slaughtered Guru Arjan Dev, are clearly mentioned in the Koran. How to make the victim sit on a hot plate, how to pour red hot sand and boiling water on him with his hands tied, and so on. It is all there.

But the quartering takes on special meaning; the treasonous Mohammedans of Kashmir did the same to Hindu victims, including women. Not only did they kill them but they cut up the dead body in (not two or three but) four parts. Those among the readers who have care-fully read between the lines, so cleverly worded by the GoI’s conniving media, about the way the Hindu/Sikh dead bodies of both men and women were discovered in Kashmir after attacks by biriyani pulao fed mujahideen, they would find that many such bodies were quartered like Qasem’s.

The moral of this short story is that when we read the ghostly Islamic stories, we must keep our senses fully alive; we can then decipher the hidden meanings. Careful obser-vation can only do good to us and our people although our own leaders, by virtue of the fact that they accept money from our enemies, the ISI, the BCCI, the Arab petro-dollar wallahs, keep mum and play the innocent. The Sukhrams, the PVN Raos, the Rajiv Gandhis (aka Khans) and so many others of the same ilk, do not behave the way they behave for no reason! They are out to shamelessly enrich themselves at the expense of the country!

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