Another Lie About Mohandas K. Gandhi

Another Lie About Mohandas K. Gandhi


Truth Detector

Finally the lie about the apostle of truth, Gandhi has come out from the horse’s mouth. Gandhi did not say Hey Ram when he died by Nathuram Godse’s bullets. In fact, he did not say a thing. Only a sigh or stiffled sound came out of his mouth which sounded like ‘phoose’. Godse had said that at the time of his trial but no one believed him at the time. Gandhi had been presented to the world as a courageous man, who did not fear death and he died with the name of Ram on his lips and many such other cock and bull stories. Actually, the cowardly Gandhi was a very frightened man and when shot and dying, he urinated profusely in his dhoti; he was frothing and fuming in his mouth and he dropped dead like a bag of potatoes.

Now the natural question is how come this truth came out only now, after millions of dollars had been spent from India’s public treasury to produce that famous movie on Gandhi and Gandhi adulated as a saint in the mean time?

It all happened this way. The truth came out of Gandhi’s former aide V. Kalyanam on Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1998. Speaking at the ‘Forum for Loud Thinking’, Chennai (formerly Madras), V. Kalyanam said:”I missed the bullet by six inches and I knew exactly what happened on that day. The entire universe has been fooled with something that did not happen.”

Kalyanam functioned as Gandhi’s secretary for some time. He flaunts a check signed by the Mahatma barely a fortnight before his death. He also had held an exhibition of photos, clippings and speeches (in Kalyanam’s handwriting but corrected by the Mahatma) at Kuralagam in Chennai. Showing the 50-year-old check, Kalyanam said: “Gandhiji borrowed Rs. 35 from me because I was the son of a rich man and always had money on me. But the moment he reached Patna, Gandhi issued me a check and I deposited it on Jan. 29 in my bank. On Jan. 30, Gandhi was dead.”

Now the natural question that arises is what made V. Kalyanam come out with the truth only now, some half a century later? Why this change of heart only now to set the matter straight when he knew very well how the facts had been twisted to fool the people not only of India but also of the entire world?

The Truth Detector believes that he knows why Kalyanam did that. Kalyanam claims that he has in his possession some 250 to 300 speeches of the Mahatma prepared between 1944-48; they were all corrected by Gandhi himself, in pencil, before they were sent to the Press. There are some rare photos as well in his possession.

Kalyanam was a civilian gazetted officer and did not take part in the freedom movement. He had gone to Sevagram where the old Gandhi used to reside. He worked in the gardens of the Sevagram complex. Gandhi’s eldest son Devidas watched him and very possibly was impressed by Kalyanam’s work. Devidas Gandhi introduced V. Kalyanam to his father. The old Gandhi hired him as a typist although Kalyanam did not know how to type. However, after securing the job, Kalayanam got busy in learning typing and soon became a skilled typist.

Kalyanam, a shrewd businessman, tried to auction Gandhi’s papers to London’s Sothebys to raise funds, after many years of wait; he had perhaps thought that people would have forgotten all about Gandhi by then. It was then that the government of India intervened and took over all memrabilia of the Mahatma. Obviously, V. Kalyanam could not make any profit out of the papers etc. he had preserved for so many years. He could not make the killing and he had to hand over all that Gandhi stuff to the government of India!

No doubt, this failure to make a pretty penny out of the Gandhi memorabilia soured him and he came out now with the truth of Gandhi’s not having said Hey Ram at all when he died. And we the members of the public have come to know the truth only now! How many more such discoveries are waiting to be divulged, such as disocveries on chacha Nehru, mata Indira Khan-Gandhi, Rajiv Rattan the Cambridge graduate, and Sanjay-Sanjiv Yunus-Gandhi? They are still in the womb of the future!

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