Have We Gone Blind Can’t We See That Our Gods Are Angry?

Have We Gone Blind Can’t We See That Our Gods Are Angry?


The Truth Detector

When, due to our continued stupidity and sinfulness, the Almighty wants to destroy us, He eliminates us by withdrawing whatever good sense He had once bestowed upon us.

Our good sense is replaced with cupidity; it makes us take the foe for the friend, the bad for the good, blindness for vision, poison for ambrosia! And, in the end, we destroy ourselves. We have no one to blame but ourselves; and to make matters worse, we lose the faculty to perceive the impending disaster that stares us in the face. This is the current condition of our people, in India.

Bharat is a land of Dharma. Every time Dharma is endangered, our Gods move; they take action to save the land from the sins of whoever happens to be the ruler of the day. Thus we have seen the destruction of Kangsa, Jarasandha and Hiranykashipu, etc. Narayan came down to this earth as incarnations, not once, not twice but ten times, to protect His devotees, the virtuous residents of Bharat.

But then it was always understood that one had to be worthy of such protection, such salvation. If the people let themselves be reduced to almost inert and inanmiate objects, devoid of all sense of pride of faith, honesty, courage to stand up against hypocrisy and corruption, what point is there to take the trouble to save such people! The people too need to prove their value before they are deemed worthy of salvation. If they too become corrupt, then undoubtedly, they too will perish.

However, the Almighty always starts the destruction of the sinners at the top. If the common people and their spiritual leaders, such as the Sadhus and the Sants, also fail to meet the basic standards that our faith, duty, honesty, courage and traditions expect from us, then we too are sure to suffer.

This short write up points out the signs of our Gods’ anger. We need to be able to read these indications on our own and modify our conduct, improve ourselves and rectify all that is wrong in the country while there is still time.

We all agree that Bharat has always been a peaceful land where Dharma has reigned from time immemorial. And in this same land, in the name of a devil-inspired ideology, secularism is being forced into our lives driving out Dharma. Shri Rama is being portrayed as engaged in incest by marrying Sita who is now called Rama’s sister. An alien, cruel and revengeful God Allah is equated with Ishwar under full patronage of a devil-inspired secular government.


In this non-violent land (remember, the word non-violence was NOT invented by Gandhi; it existed in our land before Gandhi was born!) violence occurs very rarely. That was outwardly true for leaders who were perceived as being elected by popular will. Actually, the perception was false. They were elected by fraud, by vote-rigging, by importing enemy people to vote for them!

Otherwise, how can one explain the deaths of not one, not two, but three Gandhis, one after the other, in this holy land? The old Gandhi was snuffed out by a noble Hindu, for treason, for fooling the people by his statement that partition of the country could only take place over his dead body.

Then, Indira Gandhi was removed from the scene for multiple infamous acts: for hiding her husband Feroze Khan’s identity by an affidavit. After the affidavit, Khan became another Gandhi. He presented himself as a Parsi but not the son of a Moslem grocer of the Nehrus, Nawab Khan. To weaken the people, she attacked the Hari Mandir Sahib while sheltering all mosques in the country, where they store murderous weapons, incite people against the mother-country, etc. For this sinful act alone, Indira Khan (aka Gandhi) was removed from the scene of all action. A few Sikhs carried out God’s mission.

Her son, Roberto Rajiv Gandhi, cleverly hid his insulting conduct of secretly wedding a foreign woman of alien faith (who would not change her citizenship for a long time) and accepted the alien wife’s faith. He fooled the people by flaunting tilaks on the forehead, lying to the people that he was a qualified graduate from Cambridge, when in reality he was told to leave Cambridge for non performance. His education was solely based on the comic strips of London Dailies. He too was removed by our Gods; in Roberto’s case it was a Tamil Christian young lady who carried out the noble deed.

We have also seen how Sanjay Gandhi, the illegitimate son of one Mohammed Yunus and Indira Khan (aka Gandhi), died the same unusual death that overtook demon Hiranyakashipu. Sanjay died, not in the sky, not on land but where the twain meet. Earlier, much earlier, our Gods took care of the promiscuous and fornication-prone Pandit: the man who had a ‘tryst with destiny’ on August 15, 1947, died of shameful syphilis. And they all tried to hide the fact from the people!

When a people who, for whatever reason, is reduced to such a state of stupidity that they do not perceive the outrageous way in which they are fooled by sinful rulers and then fail to take quick and remedial action, then that people earn the wrath of our Gods, forfeit all compassion.

The bubonic plague in old Gandhi’s Gujarat is a case in point; the earthquake at Latur is another; Lord Shiva’s absence in the Amarnath cave this year is again another. The fact that the Shiva Linga did not appear this year at Amarnath has been quietly suppressed by the rulers for fear that it might excite suspicion among the devout of the country!

Wait for more disasters to follow unless we take rapid radical remedial action by removing the current rulers; instead, they should be imprisoned and hanged for having murdered thousands of unarmed men, women and children, in October, 1984. Expect other manifestations of our Gods’ wrath in the coming days.

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