In Support of Sreemati Rabri

In Support of Sreemati Rabri


The Truth Detector

It is said that children are never good at listening to their elders but they never fail to imitate them. So it is with the average people of any country, even those of Laloo’s Bihar.

Laloo may not be a qualified engineer from Cambridge but he does have in great measure the faculty of observation and learning from that.

So when he was eased out of his chief minister’s post by the wily Delhi politicians, he had already found his way to befuddle them. In fact, it goes to Laloo’s exceptional originality and credit to have discovered that there was nothing illegal about installing his own wife in the seat of the chief minister of Bihar. And he is not yet dead either.

He did find out also that Ambedkar’s Consti-tution did not specify any minimum educational qualification in order to become the chief minister of a province of India! That would have been a great handicap for the illiterates of the country, those that were unfortunate due to the accident of a lowly birth to forego schools at an early age, for no fault of theirs! After all, Laloo himself would be there in flesh and bones to give a helping hand to his dear wife in the matter of governing his own state! This becomes even mandatory when his own supporters were fully behind him and his wife Smt. Rabri Yadav whom he chose as his successor. They all supported Laloo’s choice and expected Smt. Rabri to rule! This is called leadership; this is real democracy! Even the great Jawahar Lal had failed to seek support from the people of the land for his plan to partition India! And if he had done so, one is not quite sure if Jawahar Lal would have received the kind of support that Smt. Rabri had received!

In support of his choice, Laloo could always point to Sonia’s expected taking over from the deceased Rajiv Gandhi. And Sonia could not even speak Hindi as well as Smt. Rabri Yadav. She would need an interpreter, to translate either from Italian to Hindi or what is more likely, from Italian to English to Hindi. Isn’t that too complicated!

Things are much simpler for Smt. Rabri to take over from her dear husband. What are wives for? To help the husband in distress! And Smt. Rabri was not the kind of a wife who would disappoint Laloo when he needed her the most! After all, she gave him nine healthy children, seven girls and two boys! So, what seems to be the problem?

But for Sonia there is the constant problem of security. Everyone is aware of that. She needs protection, a round the clock protection from all kinds of killers and not only the Khalistanis. Rajiv Gandhi was not killed by a Sikh but by a Tamil lady of Catholic persua-sion, the same faith as Rajiv’s and Sonia’s. It is not likely that any one was after the blood of Smt. Rabri. She was, in fact, one of the safest politicians in India today, even safer than Inder Kumar Gujral. Smt Rabri was no body’s enemy; she had an overwhelming support from her countrymen from Bihar. In fact, if her not so fancy name is an obstacle, Smt. Rabri could be renamed Smt. Bihari Sonia, as suggested by Tavleen Singh in her recent article. And it is not likely that the new Bihari Sonia would take part in a scam like Laloo is said to have done, perhaps uninten-tionally. Bihar’s treasury will be in safe hands if Smt. Rabri Yadav or Bihari Sonia is allowed by the Indian people to carry on as Bihar’s new chief minister! There is no reason for Rabri to milk the treasury; her hands are already full with live cows that she has to milk every morning as a good housewife. Smt. Rabri should be tried out and that is how many democracies were perfected and made to work in time to the needs of the common and simple people!

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