Indira-Jawahar Samvad



The Truth Detector

Preamble: A large part of the following text has been taken from Nehru’s Special Assistant M.O. Mathai’s records with additional material from other sources such as K.N. Rao et al, wherever Truth Detector suspected Mathai’s suppression or tainting of facts, out of respect for his employer, Jawaharlal. This particular write up covers some inside information that has been kept hidden from the Indian public but which information, undoubtedly throws light on the father-daughter relationship between Jawahar and Indira as well as that between Firoz and Indira, culminating in marital separation.

The nikah turned into Vedic wedding:

Firoz Khan, son of Sunni liquor merchant Nawab Khan of Allahabad, in his early days attached himself to Kamala Nehru as a Congress volunteer. He used to accompany her as a helper whenever she went on Congress work in the Allahabad area. He could not be accused of eagerness for studies. Throughout his life, he retained the handwriting of a child.

In December 1935 Kamala had a talk with her husband Jawahar. She was then in her deathbed at Badenweiler in Germany. She expressed her strongest disapproval of the possibility of Indira marrying Firoz. She did not consider Firoz a stable person; neither did she think that he was the least qualified to go into a worthwhile profession and support Indira. She spoke with emotion and became tired. With some effort she managed to add: “I do not want my child (Indira) to be unhappy all her life.” At that, Jawahar Lal assured her: “You leave the matter to me.” A family friend, A.C.N. Nambiar (also known as Nanu) was present in the room. A few minutes later, Nehru left the room. Kamala turned to Nanu and said:”You heard what he said; Indu will listen to no one except me. I could have guided Indu gently away from Firoz. But my end is near (Kamala died soon after). Jawahar will give no guidance to Indu. She will ultimately be allowed to commit the mistake of her life.”

The entire family was abroad at the time. The second World War was looming and Firoz, Indira and Jawahar returned to India by ship. Nehru never forgot what his wife had told him at Badenweiler. The entire Nehru family was dead against the proposed wedding of Indira with Firoz.

But Indira was adamant. She told her father that she had no roots in India, that she was going to leave the country. Nehru was deeply hurt. Reluctantly, Nehru, always a weak man, gave his permission, and the marriage took place. Here, M.O. Mathai quietly suppresses the first marriage, the nikah marriage. It was at this time, Gandhi, the apostle of truth advised the couple through Jawahar to change Firoz’s surname Khan to Gandhi by an affidavit. K.N. Rao’s The Nehru Dynasty tells us that. Firoz never gave up Islam!

But M.O. Mathai writes: “For some inexplicable reason (actually, to fool the Hindus), Nehru allowed the marriage to be performed according to Vedic rites in 1942. An inter-religious and inter-caste marriage under Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law. To be legal, it had to be a civil marriage. So, strictly speaking, Indira was only a ‘concubine’ and her children were ‘bastards’.

How the split came about:

The genes of Islamic polygamy were working on Firoz all the time. In 1947 Firoz fell in love with one of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit’s daughters. She was then working as an apprentice journalist in the Daily National Herald of which Firoz had been hired as the Managing Director by Nehru, the master nepotist. Mrs. Pandit, on hearing this, made an air dash from Moscow where she was India’s ambassador, at her own expense and took away the girl to Moscow. (A short note here: Mrs. Pandit had once eloped with another Mohammedan journalist, Syud Husain, against strong advice of the family. Although that marriage was nullified by paying an enormous sum to Syud and she was married off to a good man, R.S. Pandit, it is said and believed that Mrs. Pandit had already been impregnated by Syud during the few nights they had been together and her first daughter, Chandralekha or Mrs. Mehta, is in reality Syud’s offspring. R.S. Pandit’s other two daughters, Nayantara and Rita, are no doubt R.S. Pandit’s own daughters and physically, they look quite different from Chandralekha.)

The Truth Detector has not yet been able to determine which of the three was the target of the Mohammedan Lothario. And that was not the end of the story. Firoz had another romantic interlude. This time it was a 100% Mohammedan girl, the daughter of a minister of the UP government. The girl was working in the All India Radio in New Delhi. They decided to marry. (Mind you Mohammedans in India are permitted to marry more than one wife, in fact up to four wives, simultaneously, thanks to the blessing of Allah and His Prophet, and of course the GoI.) Firoz spoke to Indira about his intention. She told him that she had no objection. (How can she? She too was a Mussalmanani by nikah, wasn’t she?) Firoz said that he wanted the custody of the first child (Rajiv). In Islam, the father is allowed the custody of the children and not the mother. However, Indira Gandhi (aka Khan) flatly refused to even consider this proposal.

The matter went up to Nehru, the prime minister, who himself was running after women. Nehru called Indira and asked her if she had anyone, other than Firoz in view? She said ‘no’. The love affair with Mohammad Yunus, who fathered Sanjiv (aka Sanjay) took place later and this second son was passed off also as Firoz’s son for public consumption. Fooling the Indian public, has been going on for such a long time that such events had been rather mundane to the ruling family. That is perhaps because, the Hindus did not practice death of adulterers by stone throwing!

When the news of the romantic developments surrounding his daughter reached the Mohammedan minister in Lucknow, he was perturbed. He frantically came to Delhi and took his daughter away. And Firoz shifted to his MP’s quarters. The bastard (the word is used here not in the primogenitive but in the pejorative sense) had been doing all these monkey-tricks while living under the same roof as Indira, his wedded wife! Can one believe it? And it was after the exit of Firoz, that Mohammad Yunus entered in the life of Indira, falsely known as Durga Mata (after the B’desh victory) while conducting herself as a whore, in her private life!

At the end of the chapter, writes M.O. Mathai:“The misgivings of Kamala Nehru expressed in anguish on her death bed had come true!”

Epilogue: The Sunni Mohammedan Firoz was the final loser in the end. After his death, his body was cremated in order to fool the people. All his life he lived through a life of deceit. It is true that a few mullahs had strewn some sand on the burnt out pyre to imitate a sham dafan or burial. But one wonders if Allah Miyan will really be fooled by that. Thus there would be no 72 houries and 28 handsome young boys for Firoz in Jannat, even if Allah gave the 100 men’s strength in his loins!

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