India’s Air Line System: How It Has Been Nearly Destroyed

India’s Air Line System:

How It Has Been Nearly Destroyed


The Truth Detector

(The current situation of the Indian Airways and Air India is commonly known to be in shambles. The damage has been done progressively by India’s Moslem ministers and with the stunned non-action of the secular rulers, who in the name of minority rights did not dare stop the saboteurs even when it was quite obvious that the Moslems were doing what they were doing, only to undermine India’s national air travel system, both domestic and foreign. A government that had proclaimed from roof-tops of their ideal to serve the nation and its people, in all spheres of life, including air travel, for the ever-increasing number of passengers, in the end disappointed them miserably. It will be an uphill task to reinstate the Indian airways now. Perhaps the current GOI will leave this onerous task to the next popular government, most likely a truly nationalist one. – A. Ghosh.)

The dastardly game started during the time of the unwise Pandit. Nehru had seriously neglected many aspects of nation building, a nation that had been severely damaged not only by the all encompassing exploitation of the British but also by the murderous Islamic rule under various Moslem sultans, for several centuries.

Nehru had hired Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, popularly known to be a ‘secular’ Moslem, almost like the liquor-consuming Abul Kalam Azad. When Rafi was made the Indian minister for travel and transport, the first thing he did was alienate the Tatas from Nehru. It was the Tatas, descendants of Parsees exiled from Persia, now Ayatollah country, who had settled in India and had truly contributed to the well-being of the country, that developed Air India. At the time, India’s Air India was the envy of the world. Tata himself was a good pilot and had a keen inventive mind. The Air India was in good hands. It was a private industry then.

It is amazing when one thinks of the cycle of karma that has come round a full circle. Isn’t Manmohan Singh trying his best to ‘privatize’ India’s industries? But by the time, the wisdom dawned on these mostly mentally hadicapped men, the damage had been done by the forces of Islam, almost like the bombings in Bombay and Calcutta, which the Rao government is trying its best to cover up.

The stupid Nehru, over head and ears in ‘love’ with Mountbatten’s wife Edwina, practically handed over the reins of various important departments of the government to individuals like Kidwai and Azad. Azad had been made the Education minister and he had set about destroying the Hindu heritage of our education system. But that is another story. At Rafi’s proddings, Nehru ‘nationalized’ Air India and Rafi became the new boss. Efficiency was shown the door and nepotism was given the red-carpet treatment. The highly efficient organization experienced the first taste of organized vandalism. But then, the Tatas had left Air India at such a high level of efficiency, that it took some time before the decline could even be perceived. Air India was still in very good condition when the Kidwai died. India’s traditionlly unthinking population did not notice any difference. That the captain of the ship had been replaced with a baboon, escaped their attention.

After Rafi (many used to call him a ‘ruffian’), Air India became the cherished department under many other Indian ministers of transportation, mostly Hindus, who lacked imagination and even more importantly, love for their motherland and its people. They were incapable of bringing technical and commercial benefits to Air India, benefits that the rest of the world was incorporating into their national airlines, directly from their labs and scientific institutions. After all, most Congress ministers were not even properly educated. Like today’s Indian ministers, they too had rotten company and background; the only difference was that today the Congress ministers seek the company of smugglers, drug traffickers and mafia goons while in those days, the simple men from village areas, dazzled with newly acquired power and importance, sought the company of sycophants, of no real value to them or to the nation! Air India just vegetated while the rest of the world went ahead and prospered.

Then came another secular Moslem named Arif Mohammad Khan. This man, knew nothing of airplanes and was thoroughly incapable of learning a new subject at his age. The air ministry under him became a haven for Arif Mohammad Khan’s relatives and friends. However, he had the power to spend huge sums of money, ostensibly on behalf of the people of India and that he did in good measure.

Many expensive airbuses were purchased from Europe. These are wide-bodied planes that can carry a great number of passengers at very low cost. European countries use these planes in great numbers. However, it was said that Arif Khan was not so happy with the purchase deal. No one really knows why. Was it for the lack of bribe or was it for the inadequacy of the bribe that he managed to receive from the airbus company? No one knows! Or perhaps the airbus company declined to offer any bribes at all. They perhaps got the contract on the basis of the good quality of their planes. It was not quite generalized at the time that each and every governmental order to a foreign company, such as the Bofors or the Swiss outfit that has recently signed a contract to supply the Indian Railways with locomotives, will have to accompany a lot of grease for the palms of the minister concerned!

Then there was a freak accident in one of the planes. Arif Khan downed ALL the airbuses complaining that the planes could not be permitted to fly until and after the source of the trouble was determined. But then, he did nothing effective to getting to this determination. Nothing really was done to determine whose fault it was: the pilot’s or the airbus company’s. Arif wanted the airbus company to sweat and suffer while the real sufferers were Indian passengers who had much less accommodation provided by the other available planes and of course the Indian personnel that served in the airbuses for their livelihood. They starved. The pilots and
stewards and stewardesses, mechanics, all vegetated. And all this while the planes were sitting on the ground. This unpardonable situation was permitted to persist for months and months. It was exactly like India did NOT have these planes, the airbuses. All the money, people’s money, invested in the planes and ancillary equipment, was just rusting away!

Then came Saddam’s ‘mother of all battles’ unleashed on small Kuwait. India had openly sided with Saddam but that is a different story. All hell broke loose in Kuwait. A great number of Moslems and Christians and some Hindus too, served in various capacities in that Arab land, the size of a small district of India. They were frightened. The nationals of other countries were being vacated by their national airlines but India could not do much as it supposedly lacked planes even for its own internal domestic air traffic. The hue and cry was enormous. The frightened Moslems and Christians from the South (for most of them were from the South, Kerala heading the list) started cursing the GOI and of course the air minister, to wit, Arif Mohammad Khan.

And behold! All the airbuses started flying all the way to Kuwait and back. Not once but many many times, to and fro, Thiru-vananthapuram to Kuwait and back, over and over again. The nondescript goateed foreign minister Gujral himself made a trip or two, assuring his countrymen that everything possible was being done by the GOI to save them. But what our economists failed to do was pin down the real culprits for this catastrophe; no one, but no one, determined how the shameful episode even came about! Arif Mohammad Khan was let go without a scratch on his face, as is likely to happen with the current terrorists of Bomaby or Calcutta.

And so, Arif too did his bit against the darul harb, the land of the kafirs; that was his contribution to the jihad that Islam always wages against any and every darul harb! He damaged somewhat, in his way, the India where the Hindus predominate.

After Arif came a notorious Islamist. It was Khurshid Ahmed Khan, formerly a minister in New Delhi, then a governor of a province. He used to urge his Sikh acquaintances NOT to side with the Hindus but with the Khalistanis, currently supported and encouraged by India’s eternal enemy Pakistan. The Late Shamsher Singh, a prominent Sikh gentleman, who was also a member of the VHP, found such exhortation made to him personally by Khurshid Ahmed Khan, while a cabinet minister, totally uncouth and treasonous! And the matter is no secret at all! Many among the top echelons of India’s so called politicians are aware of Khurshid Alam Khan’s proclivities.

It was under Khurshid that the growing discontent among the Indian Airlines staff became conspicuous. Who would benefit from the immobilization of the air services of India? Well, the foreign air- lines of course. Now when international air traffic is very low and most airlines are losing money, it would be a windfall if one of the third world airlines, India’s for instance, could be made inoperative!

Now, here again, our intelligence system in India, is so overburdened with Islamic rowdyism, loots, riots and slaughter that they donot have any reserve energy for ‘non-essentials’ like discovery of hidden foreign hands behind the airlines strikes, which have rendered the air traffic system in India quite worthless. Like the Bofors case, it is hard to catch the oily eel; even today the all-powerful GOI has not been able to determine who took the illegal money from the Swedes. How can they lay hands on those who have offered a huge amount of money to Khurshid Ahmed Khan who in his turn has shared a part of it with the ring-leaders of the strikers, in the age old classical method of breaking an industry, in this case a kafirs’ industry!

A great deal of damage is being inflicted to the industry. But the GOI is also party to the low morale among the workers of the air- line system in India. That explains the latest accident at Aurangabad when a plane’s undercarriage hit a truck and many died. The GOI has threatened to sue the pilot of the plane for the death of the passengers, as if he did it on purpose. The tragedy is that a Home Minister (in this case Rao himself) goes scot free after the deliberate and organized killings of some 8,000 innocent Sikh men, women and children in Congress ruled States as do all the culprits, many of whom are still ministers! How can accidents be averted with such of vile conduct in GOI’s part and resulting low morale in the staff?

Ghulam Nabi Azad became the new minister in charge of air transport. One wonders what does this Kashmiri Moslem know about airplanes other than riding in them! His totally callous, if not treasonous conduct was conspicuous in Bombay just after the bombs were exploded by Indian Moslem agents of other Islamic countries, including Pakistan. In stead of immediately stopping sll flights from the Bomaby airport, this mentally retarded man, did just nothing, which even Sonia Gandhi would call ‘dolce far niente’. And as a result, all the principal actors in the bombings fled the country and are now thumbing their noses to India. A few small fries have been arrested to be released soon after. And no one asks this man Ghulam, why in Allah’s name did he provide the easy escape route to the culprits? The fear is that if Ghulam is alienated, he would join the Moslem militants!

Well, he too did his bit of damage. That is where the rub is and until the Hindus wake up to this fact of the huge expense involved not only in maintaining a national airline system but also to keep Hindus and Moslems from fighting among themselves by putting the army in charge every time, from Mumbai to Manipur, from Kerala to Kashmir, the country will continue to bleed. Jinnah had shown the only way open: total exchange of population; not Hindus against Moslems only but Moslems against everyone else! Until we do that, India will continue to remain in the ruins. Reports are coming in that some 1,000 crores of rupees have been donated by Islamic countries to destabilize India. If Rao’s government does not know it, then it does not want to know. And of course, it is not fit to rule a country like India, which fact has been already proven several times over. Letting in 2 crores of Bangladeshi Moslems for votes over the last two decades is a glaring example! The result is easy to foresee!

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