Allah Kneels, Allah Begs, Allah Bribes, To Be Worshipped By Man

Allah Kneels, Allah Begs, Allah Bribes,
To Be Worshipped By Man


The Truth Detector

Writes the Urdu Weekly Pakistan Link:

Allah insan se farmata hai:

Meri taraf a kar to dekh
Matawajjah na hoon to kahna;
Meri rah men chal kar to dekh
Rahen na khol doon to kahna;
Mujh se sawal kar ke to dekh
Bakhshish ki had na kar doon to kahna;
Mere liye beqadr ho kar to dekh
Qadr ki had na kar doon to kahna;
Mere liye lad kar to dekh
Rahmat ke khazane ne luta doon to kahna;
Mujhe apna rab maan kar to dekh
Ata ki had ne kar doon to kahna.

(For the original Urdu text, please see the Pakistan Link of 12.27.96)

(The meaning in English)

Allah asks man:

Just come close to me
and see how much attention I pay you!
Walk in my direction
and see how I open up the pathways for you!
Ask me questions that you may have
and see how much I reward you!
For me, give up what you possess
and see how I honor you!
Fight for me
and see what great treasures I loot for you!
Acknowledge me as your God
and see how much blessing I bring for you!

Those who have studied the Koran and the Hadis would know how Allah has always been relegated to the second place by His prophet Mohammed (saw)!

It is Mohammed (pbuh) who will sit on the right hand side of Allah Miyan on the day of judgment (or qiyamat); it is Mohammed (saw) who will choose who goes and who doesn’t go to heaven (or jannat); Allah has no say there.

And this is the same Allah who is presented to man as All Powerful, All Knowing and Fully Independent? Can it be true? Use some common sense!

On the subject of comparative importance between Allah and the prophet (pbuh) it has always been said in Islam:

Ba Khuda diwana bashad,
Ba Mohammed hoshiyar!
Although the Mohammedans want desperately to hide this fact of Allah’s non-importance, the truth comes out when one is not so careful, as it as happened in this case of display of the text in the Urdu original. Normally, Urdu texts can be read only by Mohammedans and they would not speak ill about such matters even if the contents are not so edifying! But then, there are others too who can decipher the mongrel language, only out of curiosity, for Urdu literature is full of lust, sex, wine and woman and more such sensuous subjects.

That literature abounds with zulfa-i-barham, with zakhm-i-jigar, with jam-i-muhabbat, and bulbul and so on, but to others, Islam is presented as staid and clean.

The hypocrites tell us that Islam means ‘peace’ but don’t tell us that it also means surrender to the nearest mullah; they tell us that gambling is prohibited by Islam but don’t tell us of the practice of qur’ah which means drawing of lots to decide which of the four wives will sleep with the husband. Gambling on horses by the Aga Khan is OK too!

They tell us that alcoholic beverage is forbidden in Islam but when the Aga Khan drinks like a fish, we are told that in his mouth the alcohol turns into ‘aqua fresca’.

They will also tell you that prophet Mohammed (pbuh/saw) has said somewhere in the Koran that he would rather favor a good kafir than a bad momin; but when asked, none of the big mouths can point out the particular ayat and the surah of the Koran. The fact is that the prophet never had said any such thing. The fanciful thought was invented to fool the kafirs, nothing more.

On the other hand, the prophet is known to have told his followers that the Mohammedans need not keep their word or go by their contracts and agreements made with the kafirs; that they are free to flout them any time they want. Why do you think that Pakistan reneged on the Simla Pact? (Refer to Hudaibiyya)

Advice: Oh kafir! Trust the Mohammedan at thy own risk. Betraying a kafir is no crime in Islam. Lying to a kafir is no sin to a Mohammedan. A drug-addict, drunken rapist Mohammedan is a thousand-fold better in the eyes of the begging Allah than a pious and honest, truthful kafir. If you do not believe, go and ask Mullah Bukhari of Delhi’s Jama Masjid. He will give you an earful of truth!

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