An Analysis of L.K. Advani

An Analysis of L.K. Advani


The Truth Detector

L.K. Advani is the president of the so called Hindu Party B.J.P (there is no mention of the word ‘Hindu’ there). Why is it then necessary to analyze or examine the man now; why was it not done before! Well, that is because the people of India, more so the Hindus of the country, are fast losing whatever trust they once had in their leaders. The primary culprits are of course the Nehru- Gandhi dynasty who have successfully fooled us all for the last fifty years. (Read the March issue of the Delhi Monthly ALIVE magazine.) People are now extremely suspicious of the loyalty of the Nehrus and their Islamic roots. We have seen how an F minus clown like Rajiv Roberto Gandhi (son of Firoz Khan, grandson of Nawab Khan, both Sunnis) had been foisted on the nation as an A plus student from Cam- bridge; how he was advertised as the Mr. Clean of India when in reality he was a lowly thief! Even little school kids used to chant: Gali gali men shor hai, Rajiv Gandhi chor hai. It has become necessary therefore to examine each and every one of these leaders, including Advani, the spineless Sindhi refugee from Pakistan who writes his own mother tongue in Arabic script and from right to left; who feels a lot more comfortable in the company of Benazir Bhutto than in the company of say Prof. Nirad Chaudhury of Oxford, whom he went to see at Advani’s own request. Prof. Chaudhuri had just lost his wife. He had requested Advani that he should not visit him with more than four guests at a time, as Chaudhuri had only four tea cups in his home. But then Advani, who did not have much of a pedigree, barged in at Chaudhuri’s place with (guess what?) fifteen sidekicks of his. Poor Chaudhuri, a recent widower, had a hell of a time to entertain these men of no value. At the end of the meeting, in his interview with the Sunday Weekly, Chaudhuri expressed his surprise at the fact that fourteen of the fifteen who had come to visit him, had no knowledge of Sanskrit or ancient Indian history. He wondered how can then ‘Bharatiya Sanskriti’ be upheld and promoted under such ignorant leadership? And what kind of leadership has Advani provided to the Hindus all these years? Time has come to examine this mustachioed man, his words and actions along with body language! When all of India stood as one man behind the young men and women gathered together to bring down the alien mosque built on Sri Ram’s temple in Ayodhya, this fugitive from Islamic Pakistan, elected by the Hindus of India as the president of the Bharatiya Janata Party, summarily resigned from that elected post, denying vehemently that he had any hand in that glorious deed, the first reply the Hindus ever gave unitedly to the long Islamic tyranny against their land, their culture, their temples, their educational institutions, right from the time of Qasim, Ghori and Aurangzeb! Who wants a leader like that? And how can a man resign just like that without even seeking the permission of those who had elected him in the first place! What did he think he was? But there is more, much more than that.

The man is also a liar of the first water. And who does he lie to? To his supporters, the Hindus, of course. The man, supposed to be spearhead- ing Hindu pride, presides over a nikah ceremony of his own niece, which took place in Mumbai. The ceremony was intended to be carried out secretly so that his supporters could be kept in the dark, almost like the sarkari chacha Nehru used to do by not telling anyone that he had contracted venereal disease as a result of his reckless sexual escapades! But the secret came out. The embarrassed Advani expostulated that the niece was not a near relative but a distant, very distant niece, as if that changed the seriousness of the matter! He also argued that the niece did not change her faith prior to marrying the Mohammedan man. But behold! The truth, all the truth came out, when people discovered that not only the niece was a near one, she also had to change her faith prior to the nikah ceremony; she had to become a mussalmani; who will believe that Advani didn’t know? The cowardly man knows some acting too. When he was hired as the Boadcasting and Information Minister at New Delhi for a short spell of time, he had occasion to meet the world renowned scholar and researcher, Pandit Purushottam Nagesh Oak of Pune. It is this Pandit Oak who had discovered that the Tajmahal had NOT been built by Shahjahan, many years before Prof. Marvin Mills of New York proved by his carbon testing that what Pt. Oak had said was indeed true. (Since then, the monkeys in New Delhi, stopped carbon testing of all ancient structures; they are so afraid of the truth!). Be that as it may, in the meeting with Oak, the first thing that Advani accused Oak of was his insistence on the truth on the Taj. Advani said:”How can you carry on with your theory on the Taj when the entire country has rejected your findings?” Obviously, this magpie-brained man from Sindh has never heard of Galileo or Copernicus’ discoveries on the flatness of earth and its trajectory! The man, though stupid, is smart enough to avoid confrontation, any confrontation and seeks out the line of least resis- tance. But nevertheless, he has the streak of a braggart in him.

It is the same man who had once boastfully announced:”Aj paanch pradesh, kaal sara desh” promising to win over all of India after having won the five states in an election. Advani was quickly cut to size by the corrupt thief, the then prime minister of India, Pamulaparti Venkataraman Narasimha Rao from Andhra Pradesh. He suppressed all BJP state governments at the stroke of a pen and the coward Advani did not even mount a single protest march. Had Advani known the kind of risks Pt. Oak had taken when he joined hands with Netaji Bose, directed the broadcasting and information department of the Azad Hind Fauj in the Andamans, no doubt, Advani would have been spellbound. For this braggart, ignorance was verily a bliss! It was soon discovered by his close friend Vineet Narayan that Advani had accepeted a bribe of 65 lakhs of rupees but had shame- lessly announced to the public that the amount was meant for the BJP fund and not for him- self. Advani, unable to face challenge, imme- diately declared that he would not stand in any future elections unless his name was cleared. He has been given a respite for now but the man’s propensity for getting himself in a compromising position, will no doubt soon bring him down once again. Let us wait and see the fun! Wait and see, he will resign again. Which party can carry on with such an unde- pendable leader with no leadership qualities! Advani had never permitted the younger men and women to rise in the ranks. But his recent recruit, a Mohammedan named Muzaffar Khan, the brothel-keeper, has been promoted to the post of chief of BJP’s all-India minority cell. The lover of the mussalman will soon pay for it!

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