Bharat Ke Muslman – A Book Review


(A Book Review: by A. Ghosh.)
Bharat ke Musalman is the title of a glossy, nearly 120 page long book full of pictures and smooth reading, financed and produced by the Foreign Ministry of India and all this with begged and borrowed money! The hard cover book is available in Urdu (of course), English, French even Arabic and Hindi. Of Indian languages (Urdu is Pakistan’s official language) only Hindi has been ‘honored’ by the publication. The book is NOT available in Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil or any other language of India. And what is most surprising is that the book is given away free to anyone who wants it. The intrinsic value of the book would easily be $25 to $30 apiece!

And why this book and why by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? A country which has earned a certain notoriety for banning books, can it also produce books? There must be some ulterior motive for publishing such a book, one would say! Quite so! The book is supposed to console the Muslims of the world outside that the Muslims in India are very happy as they are. No one would believe that in view of the Kashmirs, the several Indo-Pak wars and above all, the constant and recurring communal riots, always started by the followers of Islam, in their eternal quest to subdue the kafirs! So the ‘denial policy’ of the GOI is in operation.

The policy is to deny everything that is uncomfortable. And in this game, truth and fact have nothing to do! Hindu-Muslim killing goes on every day, but in the newspapers the GOI makes sure that only two communities are mentioned to be fighting with each other and no one is supposed to know which are the two communities! The identities of the two communities are always suppressed by the Indian news media. That everything is NOT all right is being constantly denied, forgetting that the Status has ceased to be Quo in India, a long time ago!

The book tells about the Muslims, a big polygamous minority and a rapidly expanding one at that. The GOI has no worry for the other minorities, the Parsis, the Christian community for instance. Why is that? That is because these other communities do not cause any trouble and therefore can be ignored. But things have started to change. The other minorities too are getting smarter. They are catching up with the psychology of the ruling Congress party.

The motto is now: “It is the creaking wheel that gets the oil!” And so all the different entities, be it religious, linguistic, regional, now vie with one another for attention, without realizing that no one can win for the simple fact that the government is bankrupt. It lives off begged and borrowed money. Years and years of singing and dancing for the Festivals of India abroad under the leadership of the Nehrus and the Gandhis plus the huge swindlings, emptied the coffers of the State, a long time ago! If we don’t know that yet, we will know it soon enough. The publication of the book is a frail gesture to push back the day of reckoning, not by very much but by a just a wee little bit. Perhaps this publication will help keep up the inflow of Arab money for some more time! Who knows!

The book tells of the glorious things the Muslims have done in India, which, one would say, was in dark ages before Mohammed bin Qasem landed in Sind! It shows a number of renowned historical structures built be the Hindus but labelled with Muslim names. From the Qutb Minar to the Taj Mahal, the book has everything but the dark and gory chapters of Islamic rule. It does not touch upon the Muslim practice of slaughtering Hindus, carrying away their womenfolk to fill Muslim harems; it does not breathe a word about the destruction and descration of others’ houses of worship, Universities like the Nalanda. It does not mention the jezyah and its implications. It does not mention Muslim Personal Law in India, distinct and separate from the laws for other communities; neither does it mention the secessionist and separatist compulsions of Islam.

The book, although intended to be distributed free, is hard for anyone with a non-Muslim name to procure. However, one can try! For a copy of the book, Muslims in India, please write to: The Consulate General of India, 540 Arguello Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94118. (Attention: K. Kermanizadeh; no! He is no ayatollah; he is the librarian of the Indian Consulate General.)

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