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BHU And The Nizami Chappal

BHU And The Nizami Chappal By: The Truth Detector This is the story of a great man and scholar who in the face of heavy opposition laid the foundation of …


Did Nehru Betray Netaji?

Another Lie About Mohandas K. Gandhi

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Anniversary of 7th Oct ’23 – Man-eater Hamas against the Hunter IDF

Anniversary of 7th Oct ’23 – Man-eater Hamas against the Hunter IDFWhen a man eater tiger faces you what do you do if you have a gun? Obviously, you’ll Shoot …

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Conversion Of The Vanavasis

Conversion Of The Vanavasis By: Dr. Shreerang Godbole “The end justifies the means”, so goes the Jesuit maxim. The Great Commission (Matt. 28:10) commands that all the people (ethne) of …